Snakes will eat ANYTHING

huge shit like this has always facinated me :tup:

i would love to see huge whales, octopusseys, SNAKES, sharks…

SilverGTP hasa pic of his frog eating a bird… he coughed it up later.

Anyone have any other pics of animals eating eachother?

They are fascinating and disturbing at the same time.

I thought I heard that a python couldn’t eat a Human because it can’t get its mouth around the shoulders. Guess that’s not true…

lmfao look at ur avatar and imagine the dude saying that :lol:

Crazy Critters!

Those pics get me excited to feed my snake tommorow!:shoot:

“Are you here for the feeding?” -Roadtrip

at least it doesnt look like that snake exploded

:word: lol

thats crazy

Ok it seems there are more and more snakes eating anything that moves threads, so I’ve merged them all. Any more snake sightings, keep them here. :slight_smile:

Some of these snake pics are starting to freak me out. :ohnoes:

That just shows you to always chew your food before you swallow…or it just might fight back and kill ya both.

snakes are effin cool

Tiger vs croc?

^ crocs are making their way DOWN the food chain. Snakes are moving up…obviously.

*yes, it’s a naive statement, based on just a few incidents…but snakes definitely are making their potential known these days.

these days? they’ve been around longer then we have… i think they dserve a little more credit. lmao

:ohnoes: t3h snak0rz r l00s!

yeah, that was right after katrina.

he is a big motha… im surprised he isn’t looting

God damn that tiger is going to be eating for a while.

dude… you sig is too big.

Negative Ghostrider