Snakes will eat ANYTHING

^^^ :lol:

The pattern is full :slight_smile:

Ummm, is there something I should know about Maverick?

No. No Mav, this is not a good Idea.

Sorry Goose, it’s time to buz a tower.

that also ends the debate as to which animal has the biggest balls…

because that snake def gots some balls…

i have a ball python, cool animals…

Did you ever see the pictures of the person inside the snake?
I know this useless without pictures but I’m sure someone can find them.

The text descriptions that accompany them in e-mail forwards claim the images depict snakes driven out to sea by Hurricane Katrina, variously identifying the locale as “Houston” or the “Mississippi River” and the snakes as water moccasins, vipers, or copperheads.

well I’ll be a primate’s relative. :mamoru:

:tup: to living/learning.


Sorry, I had to do it.

I’d rather someone didn’t. My imagination gave me a good enough idea of what it might look like after watching Anacondas and Anacondas 2 back-to-back.

I’ll be here all week folks.

:lol: The truth is out there Agent Walter.


Did I tell you I went down at the track 2 weeks ago?

“my name is snake. i dont like speach”

can anyone name the movie?

“Blood In, Blood out”?