Snky Snky Starbucks Meet Sunday July 6th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was gonna say we did this a few times last year and they always were asshats about it.

Anyone have a hookup on empty starbucks cups that they can pass out for everyone to hold?

hmm…maybe i’ll stop by, last starbucks meet i embarrassed myself lol :stuck_out_tongue:

They were all in the ‘Garage’ area on here, but no one used it so we don’t have them here anymore.

I’m in

i’m in.

ill come for a bit.

ill bring all my dentz too

Take mine, just try not to hurt yourself in it. It’s a tad bit faster than yours was

Depending on when we get back from Watkins Glen, I’ll try to make it. Either way, I’ll be at My Bubble Tea after.


im in


with the hood closed!!! JK

I may be in the area still. 7 will be cutting it close, but I will see what I can do!

The starbucks on transit next to the subway in that tiny parking lot?

Not sure if I’m in yet.

just letting you guys know the parking lot of starbucks is always full, it would probably be easier to meet at the left of the tops gas station across the street

i might be in ill probably roll up wit big b

Ill be there… hopefully

im in for an old school police round up