Snky Snky Starbucks Meet Sunday July 6th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ughhhhhhh i wanted to go sooo bad…where the hell are the pics? ended up spending 4 hours in the waiting room of the ER…gay end to a great weekend.

Killer turn out thanks to everyone again for coming out. Pics will be on there way soon. Nikon 0Wnz jo0

I got a TON of pics IDK when I’ll be able to get em all together, I’ll shoot for tommorow

pics of personalized ear muffs or ban :stuck_out_tongue:

good times :tup:

in for pics

Teaser: lol

was a good turnout.

didnt stay very long though

needs more tezza to be his taste

they’re clears

I was only there for about 20 minutes after coming home from the glen, but it looked like an awesome turnout. :tup:


this is gay…i’m going home to post more”

One for the organizer of this fine gathering



i didnt think it was gay at all…mighty is gay.

this was a good time. I wasn’t on planning on going at all, but figured i would stop up…say hi to some people and leave.

the DVS TSI:

It was soooo hard to shoot in this location, the cars where so close togeather and there where 2 groupings of them separated by a large gap, it made in next to impossible to shoot the whole group, I learn alot about what work and what doesnt work shoot in this kinda grouping.

Camo shorts must be the NYSpeed thing this summer.

lol why are you only posting one pic at a time…

just edit them…and once done post them all.