Snow drifitng anyone?

Hey nick driving the charger??? When is ur motor getting done???almost january…

haha good shit man, nice meeting you and Corey tonight.

I was on the backroads getting sideways on my way home:rofl

wish i could take out the '11 grand cherokee overland right now

edit: jae pick me up wtf :lol

Yeah pick me up too. I’ll bring a power inverter and the DBV.

Stop tempting me you fucks!

and Leo i might take you up on that offer in like 30 mins or so depending on what Kramer wants to do :lol

Nick, the rt ok?

meh, its ok lol

word to big bird.

Besides the brakes being stuck on its fine. Rotors are glowing brightttt orange.

Yo nick don know if u had a chance to read my post but r u driving the charger???

Yes i am.

Wow so when r u doing ur motor almost january…

Haha epic night.

Begining of feb

Ohh for some reason thought ur car was apart…bet tha thing sucks in the snow…

Good times beating the shit out of vehicles

Only car that was daring to go fast on the roads was a Challenger on rt7 doing 50 as I passed him :ahh

Hell yes.

My car is stuck on 43. about 2 feet of snow out here. I walked home. It is a white out blizzard out here. Worst ive ever seen.

It seems about typical for these parts as far as decent snowfall by or around New Years just about every year.

One more most likely before spring.

just got home from more shinanigans, lost 2 bumper clips. kramerbuccs has the pics of aftermath