Theres a thin coating on my road, give it another hr or so and it should be fun
Im gonna keep a stack of road cones in my car this year for some snow auto x competitions!
Maybe a few TB trays as well
snow is sticking to pavement now! woot!!!
I’m eating and then going out looking for some snow covered roads
im gonna go out later tonight i think
I’m waiting til it gets dark, should accumulate a little more later.
zackly, its just now starting to stick, i doubt its even slippery
Hit me up when you guys go out
every road in cobleskill, the 2 schools are the best and Me, Rubin, Brent, Pimpin and Dan all go out all the time, never had any problems with the cops
Theyre saying only 1-2" and it seems like theres already that much on the ground.
its barely even sticking here
who needs snow to drift!!! all i have to do is put the pedal a little further down! torque is fun!!!
A few of us are goin out on quads around 11…
Call me if you go out in the autos later… Im down!
i just went out to get light bulbs and fuel.
the side roads have some here and there, but underneath is still wet and not icy, so it sucks for drifting.
Mailbox - 1
RSTi - 0
Kennewyck always seems to cause cazwrx subaru damage. the snow bank by the lozanos, now a mailbox :lmao :lmao :lmao
that sucks!
Yeah I went out to pick up dinner and it’s wet underneath…weaksauce
I’m going to hit up the dirt roads around here later, I imagine the ski areas parking lots have a lot more too…thats the only thing the ski area is good for.