Snow shenanigans

I was out testing my new platform in the snow. Gonna need a pair of vice grips to keep the brake release up. Foot brake FTL. A little less gas in the tank and it should whip pretty good tho. Still got them road cones too.

road cones sound like fun.

you guys want to go at like 4 and look for lots out here in CP and find a few in latham? if anyone wants to go, gimme a ring. if im feeling frisky today we may do a dorifto with the 4 rings

there’s nothing in Latham…daytime drifting is the worst. People are still out driving around or in shopping centers/strip malls which would lead to the police being called…aaaaand it’s easier to spot people messing around during the day.

Prime time is like 9PM or later.

sams club parking lot was nice, same with the lowes.

according to the weather channel it is supposed to start coming down good at like 8 or 9, i shall head out to adventure then.

vot hit me up on f/b when ur heading out… i may take out the fail wheel drive Audi

the LATHAM rats’ spots are gonna get blown up tonight

yep, I’m going out to have fun ruining spots by tearing them up hard.

who HEY TIM?

to bad you guys werent out here, all of use will be killing it in coby when the snow falls tonight, ill have more miles on my car side ways than driving straight by the end of the night lol


latham/gland squad should venture out there!

nothing is gonna start till according to

Nice time!!!

haha i noticed that too:lol

Fuck this shit.

No snow = Albany fpr the night :slight_smile:

my badddd 2am

Ive been bombing around on the roads by my house, all snow covered, I think a ditch is going to call the BMW by the end of the night :lol

NO more ditches!!!

we went to the sears lot by new karner and albany st tore that up for 2 hours straight yesterday from midnight till 2am