
don’t you boys worry… i got somethin for ya comin!

today was fun drifting in the snow and ice… girls love it!! lol

Awwhh dude, if I woke up and saw that, ARRRRGH!

did you know it was going to snow? Looks like you had no covered place to park.

I kind of stayed up till 4am and couldn’t go to sleep, went in my back yard, and just sat on the rear porch steps, sipped coffee and smoked a cig, while seeing the snow come down, it was sick, but eerie as much. Anyways, I live in a new developing area and we have no back wall, everything is open, hearing the wind howl, it felt like a snow wolf was going to appear and eat

Nevertheless, later I got to think, dammm, its 4am, there’s acres of flat land covered in snow, no cop can come here, there are no street signs or speed limits, I wish I had a F’in 350Z….lol but I don’t, I have no

So I just imagined I was

And no please don’t ask me where this is, last thing I want is like all drifters coming and killing it, lol although that’d be sick.

HAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE, you guy bitch and complain about 5-10" try getting 1-2 feet!!!

HA! i dident get any on my car!! HA HA!! i got a tent … im to poor to afford a garage lol…

yes hehehe, that was the point, no meaning just sharing a story about the not

“much in the world more amazing than the power of nature”. scene, and the

thought of drifting in it.

^^^ so true, i remember knee high snow almost every winter morning, and eating clean snow on the way home from school, either by myself or getting one in the mouth in a snow fight, lol go ol’days.

^^^ ohhh i didn’t know you were talking about southern ontario. opps my bad. Yes it never snows in south ontario as much compared to the northern areas even during all out winter storm, yes i agree. but it is harsh sometimes in the southern parts because of being close to the lake. Percipitation is worse though in the north.

bloody northerners.

**** you your one of them as well


yes ^^^within the Great Lakes

ohhh Fk,you live around there, damm dude. Thats like in the centre off Huron, Michigan & Superior. okay yea, now thats a bad ass snow zone, or any other extreme weather.

I didn’t know you lived that far north.

kool, where abouts did you move?

ahem yeah tonight the first snow fall…

good and its bads but all worth it

just so u know what im talking about

at the end of the night

james should i put up vids?

did ya get it fixed?
i braught you the tire and everything…but somehow that thing still held air!

are they any good or are they like my “dry subi stunt”

haha yeah got home and she was still holdin air perfect. swap it out with the tire u brought me and i was golden. froze my balls off for 5 minutes doing it but it was WELL worth it. lol

haha that sub dry burnout in circles was awsome and no there all alot better the whole parking lot was ice and we were just sliding around everywhere havein a blast. i think i have one of the bell truck aswell

this is my winter ride

ya revs are sick. the rev 600’s always beet me in races cuz there lighter
my sleds a 2000, pretty old but still tons of fun.
i had it up to 150km on the weekend,

We had a bunch of snow again today, wicked nasty!

Ended in a Snowbank/Ditch/Snowditch tonight for a good 45 mins hahaha

whitefc and i went a lil too far north to find a timmies (fletcher’s field for those who know it or play rugby like me) and as we were doin a 3 point cuz we too far north, what appeared to be a shoulder turned out to be a Ditch with a good 2-3 ft of snow in it. long story short, we had a lot of quoteworthy lines which im gonna post up as soon as my nose stops running lols