OMG OMG OMG…Porn on a young teens computer!!! C’mon this shit happens everyday in todays times and 20 years ago…doesn’t matter. I remeber looking at my first Playboy when I was in the 13ish age. Tell the mother and let her handle the situation and don’t stick your nose into parenting a family that isn’t yours. That would be my suggestion even if it were my own daughter.
This is exactly what another person (a 30-ish female with enough teenage nieces to qualify as a mom) that I had look at all this stuff said. Apparently this is standard these days…how times have changed.
The mom is being informed and can look at this stuff and make her own judgment.
Obviously the mom cares.
MySpace ruins lives of all ages.
As a big sister…my lil sis came to me with her freinds one day wondering about sex, and the anotomy, bc all the boys would talk about it. So I sat them down and on the internet and let them ask questions about sites they have found, and so forth. If they are already cusious about it, you can either teach them so they are aware or let them find out on thier own…the hard way.
Then I get a phone call one day, my sis in tears asking me to come get her. She was at a friends house, parents not home, with a couple boys from school. The boys thought they would get frisky and try to get some…well the one decided to force my sis to givve him head…and the mom walked in.
She was 13. in middle school. and had to face the kid the next day in school.
Did I tell my mom? No way! my mom would have not understood the ordeal and just hid my sis in here room. That would not have taught her anything.
Its a tough situation bc you dont really know how the parent will react…and if they react in an angry way…the child might rebel and run to those that make it confortable…
I did all that dumb stuff too…phone sex, internet talk…it gets old as you get older. But I also was a virgin til I was 18. So it all depends on the the child.
yep. threads like these are why i refuse to have a girl. she comes out missing a dick, im pushing her right back in until she finishes growing one
13 is too young IMO like others said.
probably she is just fooling around but there is still a slim possibilty that something could happen & you don’t want that guilt.
just like teachers reporting parents to child welfare…they have to even if its a suspision. if something happens to the kid they can come back & ask if you noticed anything & if the teacher is like…well i thought things were funny but …
thats call child endangerment.
my wife teaches small children in wilkensburg public schools & was just telling me about it the other day.
its a fine line & you don’t want to invade peoples privacy but sometimes you have to.
i would just approach it by letting the parents know there was some questionable material. it wasn’t drugs, porn or illgeal stuff, but stuff you would be worried about if it was your daughter…& they need to talk to her or keep better tabs on what she is doing.
i understand that you’re trying not to be a dick or infinge on her privacy…but she is 13…she has no privacy, thats not her computer its her parents & they let her use it. 13yr olds own nothing.
and agian she’s 13…she has no common sense or judgement.
is she from Carnegie? haha. j/k
I would tell the parents for sure. try to save the kid early.
Did you make sure that someone kicked his ass?
That shit is not right.
So you taught her all about sex and giving head and then you were surprised when she went out and tried it?
I’d say that what happened next was pretty much all your fault dumbass!
Thirteen year old girls should be watching “Hannah Montana” not learning about giving head.
None of that even addressed the question anyway.
The mom asked him to let her know if he found anything, he said he would, he found stuff, he told the mom. End of story!
It’s not his responsibility to raise the thirteen year old (as it was not yours to raise your younger sister), it’s the mom’s. She should be allowed to handle it in whatever manner she deems fit.
luckily I was close friends with the principle…I had him taken care of!
I didnt teach them sex…and how to give head. Im not that dumb thank you. I taught them what a 13 year old curious girl should know…whats right and whats wrong.
And if teaching them early wasnt important then they shouldnt be teaching dare and sex ed in 7th/8th grade!
It is my moms responibility…but she wouldnt have been very resposible.
I have played a big hand in raising my brother and sister, I was their parent for quite some time. Unfortunatly thats what happens in “the hood”. Someones gotta take over!
And I wasnt surprised when she “tried” it…I was glad thats all it was bc out of her group of friends only 2 of them were virgins…my sister being one of them.
Thank you.
where were these girls when i was in middle school & highschool
kids today are growing up or trying to be grown up @ an early age.
clothing is crazy…a lot of girls leave the house almost naked…skin everywhere.
when i was in school you were lucky if you saw a girl with her shirt tucked up under her bra or had the knot tied in the front or back :eek3:…the old school belly shirt/bare midrift
i’m getting old.
You were talking to a group of 13 year old girls…only 2 of them were virgins…but they admittedly needed you to teach them about sex…
I don’t care what you believe, this country is going to hell in a handbasket.
I only had 3-4 girls…it wasnt like i pulled out a dildo and showed them how…
they were more interested in what the girls older brother was doing. Like what does camel toe mean? bc the girls brother called her that. And why do guys look at playboys…I want boobs like that bc all the guys look at her…
Not this is where you stick it, and this is how it feels. Bc of course I told them it feels like having a child…lol
I agree…
Well I do tons of computer clean ups. But never found something as you’re describing. But the worst thing I did find was on my cousin’s computer. Apparently she was sending nudes to her boyfriend while she was away at school and didn’t delete them/warn me about them.
ewww, just remembering the thumbnail pics is giving me creepy-crawlies in my spine
You didn’t have to, they probably already knew all that from the movies they show the kids in sex ed in fifth grade.
Government run public schools FTL!
Dont tell mom, use your comp knowledge to copy the logs as they occur, and mail them selves to moms email or set up a network and have the files viewable by mom.
or get crazy with it, use your comp knowledge again to make im’s text only, or all her thumbnails are what they are but the full version of the pic reads a message out “You’re 13! stop being such a WHORE!” lol
j/j j/j
I would wana know if it were my 13 yo daughter, (Thank god I have boys, and they’ll probably be the ones extracting this information from these 13yo girls…)
Tell, I would.