So...a friend of mine...

So, a friend of mine brings me a computer to “clean up”, running slowly, etc.

I find lots of the usual suspects, spyware, etc.

But, the computer belongs to a 13 year old girl, so, at the mom’s request, I go looking for “added material”…

I think me and her mom need to talk about the shit I found. AOL logs, pics, etc.

How many of you technicians have run into this situation, and how did you handle it? I’ve only cleaned up adults machines before, this is the first time I’ve ever had to deal w1ith someone’s kid’s machine. I don’t have kids, yet alone any that age, but I’m shocked by the things I found, will they be?..and how should I handle it?

share please? lol

anyways I borrowed a buddy of mines harddrive once and lets just say the stuff on there would make chris hanson coming knocking at his door :puke:

no matter what you do… tell the parents or not… the kid is fucked… she will be knocked up by 15 money bet

thats an akward situation why not just fuck with the kid and leave a little message in there for her lol

fucking kids these days i didnt do fucked up shit until i was atleast 15 anyways it depends on how serious it is whether or not i would discuss it and how close the people are to me

I just don’t want her mom to come back and say “you didn’t tell me about this crap!” if it leads to something more serious. That’d be tragic. I’m so torn. It’s her compy, but the mom’s internet conn. She’s not capable of deciding if it’s safe to do this, right??? But I found anonymous re-mailers on the comp…which means that comp got owned at some point…hopefully they didn’t find the pics for her sake, which means no matter what I do it’s already out of my hands.

Anyone else?

I would just be anonymous about what you found if thats even the right word for it and kinda say something to her mom but not be specific and say hey i think there are things your daughter needs to be more careful about

I think you mean ambiguous. But I get the point.

just curious what did you find?

i mean depending what it is, is how you should handle the situation.

example, daughter is stilling grandmas pills and selling them online… tell mom

daughter talks like a slut online… preg at 15 she will learn the hard way

nude pics, eh not a big deal anymore these days

Not quite nudies, not stealing pills, not porn pics, but talking slutty to what appear to be “aol friends” and possibly strangers on-line…and “questionable poses” for a 13 year old in undies to be doing in a pic, IMO.

If it were my daughter, her ass would have absorbed wood splinters by now. But it ain’t my daughter. Hence the dilemma.

well see this is what sux about todays kids

when i was in middle school I ran the AIM game on chicks and this kinda of shit happens i mean if it isn’t something severe and prolly just little punks that she knows she is talking to then its just kids these days

I know its hard not to think about it as an adult and if it were your kid she would get her ass beat but its just the way things are now a days

ehh it isnt anything to bad then kids are going to do it anyway so screw it (not her, leave that job to burnyd)

middle school? omfg I’m old.

ha ha ha middle school…now here is a shocker, thats even to young for me to go after lol and i have a bad habit of finding girls that are still in highschool lol my last ex=16 i was 19 and the one before that 16 and i was 18

Can’t I be appalled as an old-skooler?

Thank you Justin, when I did shit wrong I got my ass beat. I would tell the mom. She asked you to look for any “additional” material and you agreed to. I would not save any of it to show the mom, because at that point if she did, the kid would be in a world of shit.

That’s a tough one. Our oldest is 15, and I know I’d like someone to tell me. If it was just talk, then it’s probably not a big deal, but the posing thing could lead to something else.

We try not to pry too much, but still keep tabs on what’s going on.

Tough one, but I think I’d tell the Mom. Mostly because you can walk away knowing you did what you agreed, and gave her the info she wanted. The parenting that she chooses to do after that is her choice.

I would be more worried about what to do if something DID happen to the girl later, and you had to sit there knowing you didn’t tell the mom what you found.

A 13 year old just isn’t able to comprehend how treacherous this world can be.

I first got AOL when I was 13… I would alwasy fuck around with the AOL “progz” and shit like that, it was fun. This was obviously way before myspace and even before pics (webcams/digital cameras)… But when I fucked around my mom laid down the law and just cut the internet connection.

Don’t go full force, but let the mom know what you found and let her make the best decision. I’d hate to see a 13 year old girl be made an example that you see on 60 minutes. There are a lot of crazy people out on the internet.

kids these days are horrible…younger n younger each time. tell her mom flat out…it’ll be awkward but at least her mom will know

Sounds like standard “My Space” crap kids are doing nowdays. However, thirteen is too young and I would tell the mom.