so after watching the halftime show

Too bad it proceeded the beginning of the curse.

I made a similar comment to Rick after the 3 seconds that I saw him perform… and that was too much.

That’s why I dislike the stones, they were an incredible band… 15+ years ago.

The National Anthem sucked. Aaron Nevelle should be shot. And what the hell is that on his cheek?

They did a better spoof of it on Saturday Night Live.

And the Stones sucked too. It almost seemed like Mick was forgetting some of the words. Then again I don’t care for the Rolling Stones.

And I’m sorry, but if any other dude danced like him at a club, :gay3: :gay: :touchy: :rolljerk: :gay2: :hay:

Cheek or eyebrow? WTF… :gay2:

That big ass mole above his eye. I keep thiking Austin Powers, Moley moley mole…

As for on his cheek, its some lame ass sword or something… Maybe it’ll gradually move up his face and lance off that huge ass mole.

yea as soon as the halftime show started, the beer pong began

The National Anthem is not a song you “personalize” IMO

A Military Band and a Singer who sings it correct would be great.

that halftime show was a snooze…

Ha… I didn’t even know the superbowl was today

Oh man, during “Satisfaction”, I am quite certain I had this EXACT conversation about how bad the Stones sounded.

My view of that song will now forever be tainted.

with the halftime show and the National anthem, i was begging for snipers to take them out to stop the agony