it finally hit me, who all the emo kids stole their clothing from. Mick Jagger
:lol: :gay:
it finally hit me, who all the emo kids stole their clothing from. Mick Jagger
:lol: :gay:
after a while i said… just get off the stage. lol
I didn’t even watch it. I watched a Simpsons rerun. lol Rolling Stones are pretty gay.
Halftime show was lame:hang:
i was dancing with my dog, then i had a discussion with my dad about how much of a douchebag my boss is.
i have to admit, i was tapping my foot while they were playing as well as wondering how much cocaine it would take to be as skinny as Mick Jagger :lol:
i watched family guy instead :gotme:
i took a shower instead haha
yeah, me too.
you took a shower together? :suckoff: J/K
rolling stones r teh gay
wow im surprised so many people dislike the stones
personally i love them
…and you have to cut them some slack, mick jagger is older than sin
it was like watching my grandparents try to be cool…
Thats when we started playing pong.
i took a huge dump during the stones
and my parents had it so loud i could still hear their babble down the hall…
Mic wearing the tight black pants and dancing around with his stomach showing was kinda grossing me out…super ghey :gay:
national anthem and halftime were the worst in years…Rolling Stones need to retire
Anthem was horrible… the entire pre-game show was way too ghetto.
horrendous doesnt even come close to describing how horrible it was…
the best national anthem i ever witnessed was easily the witney houston one :tup: