So any one have pic of dudes GF

Police say teen plotted to kill mom for breast implants

Story Highlights
Police say Nikita Lee Weis, 18, hired men to kill his mother
Police: Weis wanted to use her money to buy breast implants for his girlfriend
Weis, two men, girlfriend charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder
Weis’ mother Hyun Weis was attacked with a baseball bat at her home but escaped

FOUNTAIN, Colorado (AP) – A Colorado teenager hired men to kill his mother so he could use her money to get breast implants for his girlfriend, police said.
Nikita Lee Weis, 18, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, said Fountain Deputy Police Chief Mike Barnett.
Weis’ mother, Hyun Weis, was attacked Thursday with a small wooden baseball bat at her home but escaped, authorities said. She was released Friday from a hospital.
His girlfriend, Sophia Nicole Alsept, and two men police said he hired, Juan Antonio Velez Gonzalez, 18, and Brandon Michael Soroka, 19, were also arrested on the charge of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder.
Barnett said Weis wanted to sell his mother’s car and use money in her bank accounts to pay for breast implants for Alsept, 21.
Barnett also said the suspects discussed wrapping Hyun Weis’ body in plastic and dumping it in the desert in New Mexico or Arizona.
All were being held on $50,000 bail. Officials did not know whether they had attorneys and said they couldn’t get messages to them.

Is she OK?

meat grinder for these POS before they multiply.

He was just mad at her for naming him Nikita.

meh i would smash the girl

any nudes ryan?

No nudes…

…yet, in just time I’m sure.

obviously, you say this about nearly every girl.

if i didnt read on here about you and 4doorbabe smashing all the time, I would think you never got laid.

christian i have some standards

jeff … i get it once and a while

Probably explains why he already has 3 + N kids

lol that dude would have felt so dumb after buying that girl tits and seeing her upgrading from azn

hahaha, x2. I just picture them like 2 rabbits in the middle of the woods…


Why try and kill your own mother, wtf?

azn lol

If would have been more entertaining if he was going to kill his mom to steal her implants…

nice OG reference

hahahaha that would have been trophy worthy