Local News ITT: Dumbass pays off cop with a pressure washer to kill fetus

I’m mind boggled with this, its very fucked up but hilarious at the same time. I went to middle school and high school with this kid. Hung out with him on occasion, and I could go on for days about the dumb shit this kid used to do. Just about 2 weeks ago he messaged me on facebook trying to sell me a pressure washer, the same EXACT one he pawned off to the undercover cop :rofl. If anyone visited the Pilot truck stop in Rotterdam by I88 late at night im sure you’ve ran into this kid as he used to work there. Today i noticed his “baby mamma” blowing up his facebook wall defending him, and acting as a typical schoharie trailer trash whore.



SCOTIA – A 21-year-old Schenectady man faces conspiracy charges for allegedly paying $500 cash plus a pressure washer to have his pregnant former girlfriend stabbed in the stomach “for the purpose of aborting the unborn fetus,” according to a criminal complaint filed in Village Court.
The court document states Alexei S. Ramey provided a picture and address of the 19-year-old woman, who is more than eight months pregnant, during a meeting Tuesday with an individual whom he believed would carry out the attack. The would-be conspirator was actually an undercover State Police investigator, authorities said.
The complaint indicates Ramey met with the investigator again Thursday and provided payment of “$500 along with a Titan brand pressure washer to commit this murder.”
At least one of those meetings took place in the parking lot of Jumpin’ Jack’s Drive-In, said authorities.
Ramey was arrested at the eatery and charged with felony second- and fourth-degree conspiracy.
He was arraigned Thursday in Scotia Village Court and sent to the Schenectady County Jail on $100,000 bail where he remained late Friday, according to an officer at the jail.
Ramey is scheduled to return to court on Oct. 5., according to Assistant District Attorney William Sanderson who is handling the case.
District Attorney Robert Carney said Friday that Ramey targeted the unborn child but “didn’t care if she (ex-girlfriend) died in the process.” It’s unclear if Remy ever lived with the woman or if he is the father of the child.
Carney said he has learned in his tenure as a prosecutor that every case is different but couldn’t recall one where “hardware” such as a pressure washer was part of a alleged criminal act.

Paul Nelson can be reached at 454-5347 or by email at pnelson@timesunion.com

The last sentence is clutch LOL

Edit: heres his CL ad selling equipment including the pressure washer


That is stupid and sad at the same time.

haha the last sentence was hilarious haha

keep baby
dump it in dumpster
keep 500 and pressure washer

  1. Find stairs
  2. Push her down them
  3. Pressure wash house

so dumbbbbb

What’s his facebook?

Wonder if I came across him as Ive dealt with a chick that works at that Pilot.

coincidentally hes from Russia too Vlad

I only knew one other person in this entire state with Russian blood until I joined this site(besides family).

And on topic, that is pretty fucking dumb, I wonder if the undercover cop gets to keep the pressure washer.

keeep ittttttt

sometimes white trash people are hilarious.

conspiracy in the 2nd degree is a Class B Felony. punishable by up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

Wow what a freakin low life

good i hope so, kid deserves it

Dude, that is fucking HILARIOUS. :rofl :rofl … think he’ll sell me the pressure washer cheap now??

idk if the cop got to keep it or not, but it was a two man operation selling those pressure washers so im sure you can still get one from his buddy :lol

Step 1: Buy baby momma $500 in alcohol
Step 2: Wait patiently until unconsciousness has a firm grasp.
Step 3: Pressure washer nozzle in vagina
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Clean up.

Page is gone?

idk, works for me