So as some of you may know...I suck at lying

beck - i believe you. if it is a lie, it is about as funny as someone posting that they have cancer, and then being like “GOTCHA!!” Which is not even a prank or a joke.

and wtf is with everybody acting like adam’s parents? who the fuck are you kids to call shots, talk shit, and recommend abortions? how do you know what is a good idea? jesus christ, i dont really like the kid but some of you cocks live on another fucking planet.

all I can say is good luck bro. life is beautiful.


My father was under the impression women can’t get pregnant during their period…

man did he really screw up

the secret is to have a trampoline bedside.

Beck I’m soo proud of you. I know you can be very serious when the situation calls for it. Good luck, I wish you and your EX much success in sorting the details out. If you have a sudden nervous break down or w/e if it sinks in hard, you can call me, I’m GREAT with listening/giving advice. Consider me a free counselor. But I know you’ll be fine. Just let me know if you need help!



greatest fucking baby shirt EVER!

I agree with badasszss or whatever the fuck his name is.

When I was 18-19-20-21-22 … I was always making more than my friends… but that doesn’t mean you are making enough to support a family.

You should be more concerned with growing up, making a living… (not with mom and pops) and living in the real world, before you bring a kid into it.

I’d dig up some posts from back in the day, when i told you this would happen, but I don’t have to.

As much as I think you’re bullshitting… I still think you fucked up bad, and should get out before it is too late.

Wow. Somebody that says what they really think!

Yeah, I’m good like that.

I’m also bad like that.

Either way, that is what this keyboard is for right?

Oh Jack, how I miss your posts during the day. :sigh:

did adam get banned again?


I miss you spooning me at work too…

^^ I miss being the meat in your guys spoon sandwich :frowning:

You made our sandwich meaty…

did this really happen or is this a joke, i didn’t read the whole thread. If it is for real, man Im sorry I wouldnt wish that on anyone…I take it the engine build will be postponed :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope this is real. Raising a child is not easy. Start saving for daycare. The cost of it per month is about as much as a mortgage payment monthly. If u don’t want to be with this girl or love her, this is not a good idea. Not including money, u have to start putting away for their college tuition.

I call SHOTGUN wedding!

btw, I know because I have 2 kids.

There are so few people on this forum who are responsible enough for a child. Beck is one of them. There are so many bozos here who have no fucking clue what theyre doing with their lives. Beck has a plan for his life. One he can actually stick to i.e real job, finish school in 3 months etc…

Beck seems to also have a great ability to roll with the punches. He can deal with almost any situation. I also know he has a great family behind him, so hes not alone in this.

Beck, you can doo itt.

90% of the retards on this forum, the ones making comments here that beck is an immature asshole, probably wouldnt even be able to look after a dog without it dying in a few days…

beck, how are you finishing school in 3 months? i thought you were 19 or 20?