So as some of you may know...I suck at lying

Good luck.
I really wish you well and respect the fact you are man enough to take responsiblity and be there for her.
Don’t let it turn into some baby’s daddy bullshit.


thanks for the kind words.

im going to have to bulk up. carrying around a 10lb baby will not be easy.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words.

you’re a fucking retard

where’s walter @?

best of luck to ya Adam, remember any man can be a father but it takes a real man to be a dad…

The beauty of abortions.

My wife and i really want to have kids but there have been times where we have had those scares too. Life deals out cards that sometimes we arent really ready for, i know i posted before and all but really youre manning up and that says alot for youre character and i dont know even know you. you are a mans man and that will make you a damn good parent. practice carrying around a bag of sugar in one arm that should suffice for now, and changin diapers sucks ass til they eat solid food so beware on that one.

so much for that idea!

Well Beck…I dont know exactly what to say…I have seen young people have children and it has really centered them and other instances where it has ended up in total disaster for them and their child.

I hope it works out for the best for your, the mother, and obviously the child.

However I must ask is the mother going to be down with you having all shared visitation or is she the type to just want a check and bounce you out of the life? Because court and visitation as well as custody battles are terrible for everyone involved and quite costly. Make sure you are level headed and prepared for the financial and emotional responsibility. Its very easy to say 9mos away how great tihngs will be but alot can change and the mother will change drastically with hormones and that whole thing. So I wish you all the luck and hopefully it goes as wonderful as possible for you.

that’s shitty.

adam…if this is true… i am proud as hell. You have chosen to do the right thing, and i know for a fact you will be great. You are one hell of a person…and an even better friend. You have so many good friends and a great family looking out for you. And you can bet your ass, if you ever need ANYTHING or if you are ever in trouble… i will be on the first flight home.

I hear ya.

But this girl was super into me. And she still is. I think things will work out for the best.

I’m jsut not sure whether to stay friends, or try and make something else out of it.


Not to be a conspiracy theorist…but you are 100% shes not trying to suck you back in knowing you have a new lady? Crazier things have happened

Ugh, that’s tough.
I would feel that out for some time and let things try and re-develop slowly between you both if it was going to happen.
Maybe pre-baby just focus on friends :shrug:

I only have a couple pics, i got from my phone.


wow theres like 20+ people viewing right now

i dunno what to believe or think, but everything happens for a reason

if this is a prank that pretty shitty, if its true, than the best of luck to you brotha. you know i love you either way <3

Now you can get a sick Recaro baby racing seat y0!

goodluck with this bud

beck if you need anything @ all let me know.

Congrats Bud

that could be true.

i would just want to know how much she paid the doctor to give her fake results, and spend over an hour talking with us


I dunno…maybe I have been watching too much Guiding Light :lol:

well don’t worry she’ll probably just miss-carriage any way…