so how about that accident in mp last night!

kid flipped the car running from the mt pleasant police… car landed in the swamp… got cut out and sent to the hospital! police ask if he had any passenger’s! he say’s no

9 in the morning passenger’s sister realizes that her brother’s missing and was with driver so she asks’ questions! nothing! passenger’ sister finds dead brother in swamp that the car was found in

really sad story…

whats even worse was they didn t ever get the body out of the water till 1 pm today

sad,greg was my neighbor!

WOW…thats terrible

that is awful.

that is HORRIBLE…the driver is a complete ass for lying about that, and for doing whatever ended them up in the swamp.


take the driver back to the swamp and dround him

MOUNT PLEASANT, Pa. – Police said what started out as a police chase ended with the discovery of a body in a creek on Thursday.

An officer tried to stop a driver while responding to a separate hit-and-run call Thursday morning, police said. That’s when, according to the officer, a driver nearly sideswiped him as he got out of his car on Route 31, in Mount Pleasant.

According to firemen, and confirmed by UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, the driver was 30-year-old Matt Fisher, of Mount Pleasant. Fisher took off, lost police who were in pursuit, and careened over an embankment, police said. Officers found the car minutes later. Fisher was pulled from Brush Creek, and then flown to a local hospital. Rescue said Fisher was alert when he was rescued, and told police he was alone in the car.

Hours later, worried family members returned to the scene, believing someone else may have been in the car.

That’s when the family said it discovered a body about 9 a.m.

Police, a dive team and an accident reconstruction team were called to the scene to investigate.

Police said they believe Gregory Alan Basinger, 40, of Mt. Pleasant, may have flown through the sunroof.

There is no word on Fisher’s condition.

A family member at the scene told Action News Reporter Jennifer Miele the men were cousins.

Copyright 2005 by ThePittsburghChannel. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

:frowning: POS maybe they coulda saved him. also i used to drink with jen miele in college, cool girl

Both individuals were seen at joccos Bar before the accident and both are believed to have been heavily intoxicated. I knew the driver from our local hangouts and I dont think I ever seen him driver normal. Im told the driver had so much alochol in him that they couldnt do surgery on him when he was flown to UPMC. I know that they said the driver said there was no one else in the car but is he actually the driver. I mean what if the guy who got killed was driving and Matt maybe was saying he was no only one just to help stick up for Greg. There has to be a reason why he said there was no one else in the car becasue Matt was very close to Greg. It just doesnt sound right but either way they both shouldnt have been drinking and driving.

“my guess is he hit his head and forgot”

whats odd is its on a straight away! and the marks just slowly left the road into a guardrail…

to be honest i seen matt around bar’s “last yr” and he would usually only drink one… and play pool but who know’s

i bet he was so drunk/dazed he forgot he had a passenger

I bet what happened is he wes trying to help his cousin. He proboly figured he got tossed or whatever and was able to get away. He was too drunk to think he was hurt though. So he was trying to help his cousin out by taking all the blame.

vehicle manslaughter

here is alittle update on the crash. Matt did go back to the residents after he hit there car and I believe they were given his info from him. The people said there was 2 people that came to the door. After the crash the cop came and told the people they matt had crashed. The people argued with the cop saying there was 2 people in the car that came to there door. Also the cop was seen being right on Matts ass when they passed the one Exxon gas statation which is less then a mile from the crash site. There is an article in the paper saying the cop lost site of him a mile before the crash site. Also an auptospy was done on grag and they said he didnt die from the crash.

do they know what he died from yet?

according to chad that i work with the 2 were cousins as he is related to both of them also (cousins)

yeah Matts mom was Greg mom sister I beleive and Matt and greg were very close.

Yeah i’d be willing to bet the accident had everything to do with him not saying there was anyone with him