Drive safe guys...

A recent tragedy just struck one of my friend’s cousin…

He passed away this evening.

The story:
Saturday night in Aurora (on my birthday ironically). He was in his friend’s car. His friend stupidly enough decides to go 140km/h on the local roads. They struck some ice which lead to the car going out of control, then went through a wall, then proceeded to go through a tree, then finally smashed a lamp post and stopped there. My friend’s cousin wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, so somewhere in that chaos, he was thrown out of the car and landed on the ground head first…

He was rushed to a hospital still alive, but the damage was far too much for the doctors to repair… So he didn’t make it and finally passed away. The driver survived only with broken ribs from the seatbelt.

Apparently, a lot of my friends knew him… But I, personally have never met him. But I feel affected because many of my friends are affected and I began some thinking. It could happen to anyone of us. We all take chances and risks out there, some I know are far greater than others. I know I’m one of those that takes the bigger risks. I dont deny that I did some stupid stuff myself like going 200km/h on local roads and didn’t even bother to think about the risks. Right now, I’m re-evaluating my driving style/habits in the light of this event.

well… I think I said too much, but the moral is… drive safe, drive smart, and always wear seatbelt!

I’m sorry to hear the bad news David. I hope this sheds some light to those who drive a bit recklessly, because no matter how good an individual is, nature always wins. My condolenses to your cousin’s friend and that I hope we can all learn from this. My eyes opened once Lucas came into this world. The way I look at things are completely different. I hope this instance will change most of the people and help them to open their eyes. Sadly enough, it usually only happens to those who experience it and are affected directly.

Thanks for sharing David. Lets try to keep the speeding on the track.

Our condolences go out to your friends and family.

Don’t drive with either your friends or yourself sans seatbelt-- It’s just not worth it. And guys, please keep the crazy stuff on the track.

All the best.

my condolences to you friends and family as well. At least the positive that we can take away from this is a wake up call on dangerous driving habits. David, it’s time to smarten up and drive safe before it’s too late!

my condolences friend, but i too went through something similar, i was waiting at the lights on kennedy making a right turn, i see two car’s [ a civic and a mazda3] they must have been going like 100km/h, in a 50 zone. anyways they ran the redlight and a car was turning into the direction they were heading, it casued the civic to brake quickly, he skidded and fuk’d up his rear chasis, and the civic got clipped at rear bumpber and he just spun, it was the most fuk’d up thing ive ever seen…

. ever since than i dont gun it, i like to enjoy my time in the car, so i cruise.

It only takes once.

My condolences.

how do you know the exact speed? don’t get too firm when you are not sure. and that guy who drove…i don’t think he feels good knowing that his friend died…even though i don’t personally know who died or drove…it is a tragic.

the speed was an estimation from the driver himself. no he obviously doesn’t feel good about it. the moral of this story is to let everyone know to drive safe and what can happen in the most unexpected moments.

but you are criticizing my thread, why? Not really a good impression for a first post.

sorry for the lost.

different type…
i was out drinking with abunch of buddies of mine (underage, as it was years ago), but my one friend got a call from his parents, and as you can guess its gotta be a bad call. well before that call we were just chilling in the middle of a football feild drinking when he got the call… to sum it up, my friend no longer has a brother… wasnt nessassary for driving fast but he was intoxicated (no seatbelt)… so ya, not only drive save, but also drive sober.

on a side note, alot of my friends still drive intoxicated, suprised they havnt got busted yet ( i just drove threw a ride programe last night, first one in my 240) but my brother lost his license because of that (DUI), he wasnt driving at the time but it was the intent too, his car got stuck in a fence and needed a tow-truck to get it out, but the tow-truck driver called the po-po, as he didnt want to damage the property … and ya he got his suspended.
…*next morning my brother got the car out with no problem, so dont drink and drive.

so ya, not only drive safe but also drive sober.
(wy i cant drive right now…im not sober)

weekend before halloween was at a party, i was on my way home and somehow stopped this guy from driving… i was soooooo drunk at this time, but this guy was bigger than me, but I could tell he was soo tanked!! and noticed that he was planning on driving home how he was (never met him before, and he was getting right in my face but i just went right back into his face stating what all could happen to him), so i argued with him for alomst an hour in the cold weather before his friends finally came to help me out (as his friends were driving other ppl home, they were sober…well the driver was) so that night i stoped what could of been a big problem… good thing the sober driver gave me a ride home as i should of been home along time ago but decided to stopped this guy from driving.

so ya il say it again and im sure you will all agree with me

(yes i dont drive safe all the time but i check whats around me before i do stupid shit, as i have had my accidents, but ive learned from my mistaks.)

i dunno refused, even if you check around first, there are some stupid shit that just shouldn’t be done. As in David’s friend’s case, there’s no way he could’ve found that patch of black ice beforehand.

If you want to do stupid stuff, do it in a controlled environment like the track, or at the very least, an empty parking lot.

I know alot of times we drive around thinking we’re invincible, and that nothing’s gonna happen to us, so we try stupid shit…but David’s story (and yours as well) serves as a good reminder that we’re not, and we should take caution when driving, especially during the winter months.

Oftentimes, it ain’t even our fault; it will most probably be some other driver that brings misery to you.

Drive safe,

^^^ Sad, but true. well, we should all drive a little more defensively to try our best at avoiding accidents. While it sucks to have someone else ruin your ride, nothing’s worse than the feeling of ruining your own ride and injuring (and in this case, death) others.

the victim is one of my highschool friends…
our whole hs peer is quite shocked to hear this…

hope he rip =(

Little update:

Apparently the passenger WAS wearing a seatbelt… The family of the driver lied so the driver wouldn’t have to face more charges and get into more shit… now my friend’s uncle is planning on a big lawsuit (major suing time…) against the driver…

That’s pretty f*cked imo…

Here’s a pic of the car…

There’s also been some misinformation on the newspapers… Newspaper reported Honda Civic, but it’s actually a Honda Fit.

People, dont drive stupid. That’s all I have to say… oh… dont get a Honda either lol…

dont mean to a jerk here, but did u mean the “passenger” was actually wearing a seatbelt ?

xuperxero might’ve meant that the driver was NOT wearing one either, but survived, and instead of getting more charges slapped on, just lied and said he was wearing one.

damn david, that pic is messed up. It’s hard to imagine anyone surviving a crash like that. I suppose your friend should consider himself lucky.

i would’ve thought seatbelts charges would be the least of their concerns considering he KILLED someone…but that’s just my opinion…

i really don’t know what to say about this anymore…

well i dont think so at least…cux the injuries of the driver were caused by seatbelt apparantly…broken ribs = the force struck by seatbelts…

i dont know…let xuperxero clear this up…:confused:

and i was talkin about lawsuits the other ngiht with my friend about this accident, this can be charged by like causing death of others due to reckless driving ? i *think its the same as manslaughter…


I meant passenger, it has been edited now. I guess I was thinking too much about this tragedy to realize what I was typing.

Jason, the driver did survive with a seatbelt. The passenger still died with a seatbelt on… You can see from the pic that the passenger side’s more ****ed than the driver’s side… So my friend’s cousin’s father (the uncle) is planning the lawsuit…
I dont know what to say about this anymore… since the passenger still passed away even with seatbelt on… Proves how fragile life is… even with all the safety equipments on cars…

Ice512, you are correct, the driver did suffer the damages from the seatbelt, and more since he was actually in coma for some period of time… and wow… getting charged on the same level as manslaughter… that’s pretty harsh… but I guess the driver deserves it after trying to lie his way out…

actually, it’s not. Reckless driving causing death is a much MUCH lesser crime. I know since my uncle was struck by a truck that ran a very RED light (my uncle was in the middle of the intersection on his GREEN light), killing 2 of the 5 people in my uncle’s car, and another with a seeing disability now.

That bastard got off with only a few months of jail time iirc. so yea, not the same as manslaughter…though sometimes i wish it was.

wait what? they lied by saying that the passenger was wearing a seatbelt? that’s a pretty bold face lie considering the passenger was flung out of the car…

Actually, they lied about the passenger flying out too. He was actually pulled from inside of the car…

The family lied and said that the passenger wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and flew out. He was actually pulled from inside the car…

This is to get the driver less into shit, but apparently the father of the passenger got little suspicious and asked the emergency personels that pulled the victims out of what exactly happened… They told him that they pulled him from the car… not from the ground and he WAS wearing a seatbelt.