so how will ben play today

the ravens won what a good game toward the end i had 40 yard line seats on the lower level at least theres 1 good perk for working with the team i just hope i get those good seats during the steeler game next month !!! hopefully the steelers will win tonight

we need to start doin better were playin like shit this year…steelers FTW

wheres the fuckin roughing the kicker and excessive celebration calls in our favor?!?! huh?! fucking refs! whres the consistancy?!?! bullshit cower, Im with you on that

I was thinking the same thing :frowning:


roughing the kicker is a such a faggot penalty. OMG HE TOUCHED ME BOO HOO HOO… its called a contact sport

Technically, there are two different fouls. Roughing the kicker and running into the kicker. I agree about the one call where Gardocki got clipped, it should have been running into the kicker, and they didn’t call it.

Also, the reason for no penalty against Walker for excessive celebration is 1) It was not choreographed (pens in socks, dance routine with mascot, etc…) and 2) It did not involve any other players. It was only him dancing, therefore it was legal.

I’m not conding the excessive celebration rules, I’m just telling everyone what they are, basically verbatim, from the NFL rulebook

only thing that made the game worth it was :

Seeing devin light a bronco’s fan on fire at the tailgate


free wings from starboy

other than that, it pretty much sucked

AW thread… so fucking annoying… almost worse than the game yesterday


Steelers give another one away…the funny thing is when we are in the red zone I am waiting tor the turnover

as a side note, i finally bought an Ike Taylor jersey and wore it to the game (been looking for him or Washington) and he played his worst game ever. that sucked.

Oh man, what a suprise. Ben Sucked Ass Again! Holmes didn’t help either.

We’re out for the year. There’s no coming back.

dude i hate to talk smack on a person who knows football, but thats a shitty choice of a jersey :stick:

lol. ya, i mean i think hes had a great year this season,overall. hes owned C Johnson like no other and thats what made me really like him last year. plus he had that one insane INT last year when he was like 6 ft off the ground and totally horizontal. but ya, i’ll admit, he got burnt up yesterday and it surprised me.

i just think he’s too small… those 6’4+ recievers seem to have a field day with him

edit: Ike > DeShea

anyone notice how small our WRs and CBs are? I’m bigger than most of them, and I’m barely 6’.

thats why we drafted holmes. it was adressed all last year that our recievers were too small with the exception of Ward at around 6ft and Morgan (at the time) whos alittle bigger than Ward. Holmes has a bit more size. as far as CBs, there really arent that many really tall CBs in the league and usually when matched up against a WR, the WR has the heighth advantage

Santonio Holmes is 5’11" 190lb.

Lol… and according to his bio, is two years younger than me, yet still managed to have three kids.

bill cowturd FTL. time to get a new guy that isn’t a glorified special teams expert. funny thing is, we have always had trouble with special teams under cowher.

think about this, for everything that went right last year…has gone wrong this year. i don’t think either this year or last years team was that good. last years team just got hot and had huge breaks at the right time. the 04 teams was the best and just had a bad game against NE.