so how will ben play today

Bandwagon Yinzer.

i’m the opposite, i never kissed ben’s ass or cowher. please refer to past posts of mine. saying i’m a bangwagon yinzer is like saying i hate g-bodys.

Ben’s ball sweat>cutty

both make me wet…

its not that they are playing horrible. its just the damn turn overs. randel el is their biggest loss.

i meant bigger than wilson and is a larger replacement to randle el. similar in size to ward, which is fine if you can play. plus, he was the best reciever available, so you cant exactly pass on him for a different reciever just because they are bigger.

my whole point was last year it was talked about all season about our wr’s being small and while holmes isnt huge, hes a bigger erplacement to El and in my opinion will be and already is close to being a better reciever (notice i didnt say kick returner). i dont think size is really that big of a deal this year, after winning the super bowl last year with the guys we had.


didnt he get over 430 yards???

kinda hard to do anything as a QB when you have no running game, him even getting decent yardage is impressive…he did make some bonehead mistakes, just like most of the team

There it is. Don’t forget the coaches, too. I have no faith in the Steelers this year.

Hey check out this news report…

Pittsburgh , PA --Pittsburgh Steelers football practice was delayed
nearly two hours this morning after a player reported finding an
unknown white powdery substance on the practice field.
Head coach Bill Cower immediately suspended practice
and called the police and federal investigators.

After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that
the white substance unknown to players was the GOAL LINE.
Practice resumed after special agents decided the team
was unlikely to encounter the substance again this season.

but don’t you think turning the ball over is playing horrible?

Mr. R-El WAS a HUGE loss, period.

I couldnt agree with you more.

only as a return-man. and if willie reid wasnt hurt then i dont think we’d miss him that much

Yeah, and if my aunt had a dick she’d be my uncle. Unfortunately, the fact is that Reid is hurt, plus they didn’t play him in the first couple of games. I think that, honestly, special-ed teams has cost this team 2 games, easily. Maybe more.

i look at randle-el like what the rocket was to ND. was he the most important player on the team- no. can you win without him- yes. With that said the team was way better with him because of the things he could. they don’t have that threat on offense and the predictablity along with the suspect play of the QB is big reason why they can’t win or run the ball consistantly. Randle el had the most important throw in the superbowl. thats gone this year. you don’t live by the trick play but you are now minus that all together…or atleast the way he was able to execute it. Another thing to think about, when you had heinz, antwan and ben on the field all at once it made a half back pass SOOO effective because it wasn’t comming from the three guys who you knew could throw.

ok, welll the fact is randle el doesnt play for us, so whats your point? the reason reid wasnt dressed for the first couple games is that he would be listed as a WR and that would mean we couldnt have Moray on the roster at the time. so that being said, they figured Colclough and holmes could return, since ricardo did it some last year and Holmes was a good return man in college.

I’m not arguing, just playing Devil’s advocate. I just don’t understand why you purposely draft a kid to do one thing (return kicks and punts) and then decide to not let him do it, especially considering he’s a 3rd round pick. If he was a 7th round joke pick like Cedric Humes, then I understand. But, with them already thinking they addressed their WR situation with Santonio, there was only one reason they drafted Reid, to play on special teams.

And fuck Sean Morey. He sucks. He doesn’t do dick. Stick Mike Logan, Anthony Smith, Nate Washington, whomever in his place and they are at the same level as him. The team has one special teams demon in Kreiwaldt, they didn’t need another, especially considering your going to spend nearly 5% of your roster on guys that don’t play any position other than somewhere on special teams.

yes sean morey is no bill bates or steve tasker so its stupid to have him dress over reid like in the beggining of the year. fucke sean morey isn’t even Freddy Mac. as far as santonio, hell he wasn’t even the best returner on his college team.