So I crashed the 350z at ClubLoose's Haunted Moves

So, my final track day of the year, ClubLoose’s Haunted Moves. I’ve been looking forward to this one for awhile as the last time I ran with these guys was in early August. It truly is a big family who just want to get together, burn tires and see how fast they can go, while getting as sideways as possible, as closely as possible to each other. The day started out interesting enough, Petty announced we would be trying the course backwards… which the last time that was done the car testing it wrecked into the wall. Anyway, so we headed out, did a solo run or two and started doing tandems.

Running the course in reverse is an absolute blast, it’s faster, more technical, and more challenging in my opinion. Unfortunately, like I always complain about, the car is lacking the power needed to get some of the sections done. If you watch the onboard video, in the first tandem I get caught out on our 4th or 5th transition by Bill getting on the brakes and then I lack the momentum to take the car back up the hill. It’s part of the reason why I just bang the limiter in 2nd as the car doesnt have the power to boil 3rd except in really high speed sections. I had probably some of my personal best tandems so far, really closed in on people nicely, and led some solid runs as well.

During the second session out, I was trying to pick up my entry speed, enter a hair earlier and carry my sideways action deeper into the turn for a better line into the T1/T2/T3 complex. Unfortunately for me I had a bit of driver error and didn’t get back on the throttle quickly enough and the car snapped back towards the embankment while I was in 3rd gear, not good! This was (believe it or not) my first crash on a race track. As to be expect as I was going fairly quickly (50mph or so) I’m relatively sore the day after, but otherwise in good health.

After I got dragged out, the car amazingly was only leaking in one spot. A pinhole on the radiator. The radiator was in a U shape with some waves to the fin structure, the radiator core was basically completely gone expect for where it bolted to the headlights, the swaybar was pushed back, bumper, undertray, fans, all destroyed. But mechanically the car was fine. So dmoffitt went and got me some Water Weld putty, and we put the car back together with some ratchet straps to hold the radiator to the bumper core, zip ties, and putty and I headed back out for the final session.

All said, a really fun day and a fantastic end to the season. I can’t wait to be back next year with more power, more steering angle, and a finished car.

Moses’ FC with a GNX motor and sequential gearbox.

Photos from Ian K


Crash video:
The thumbnail does a good job of telling the story, all I could see was sky, hah! I didn’t get the clutch back in quick enough and get back in the power so the car straightened out and I used the available… ahem runoff.

Highlights from Onboard the 350z, didn’t shoot most of my runs at the end of the day due to forgetting to swap tapes. I NEED a rear facing camera on the roof.

Exterior View of the crash from the grid, pretty funny looking.


What a baller come back. I thought it was gonna be FUBAR’d by the way you were talking about. Solid come back with the putty and zipties.

Very nice man , i believe i can fllyyy

you got your money’s worth.

happy swappin’

Nice job Mike! I just checked out the “highlight” vid. Lookin shweeet!

Awesome. You my good sir, are my hero.

Haha thanks guys. I can’t wait for more power, more tire, and more angle next season. Car is getting some pretty extensive work done.
Keeping in mind, I literally made it to the top of that berm.
Following Bill
Bill following me.

And a video of Domo which I think is absolutely hilarious:

Some other pics:

Looks like fun, sucks about the crash but way to come back. What kind of things are you doing for power if you dont mind my asking?

VK56DE from a Nissan Titan.

oh how i love drifting and cant wait to learn more about it and learn how to do it!@!!!

curious on your input why the car behaved like that?

I cant see very well but it looked like you were off the gas about to downshift going sideways at the entry? rear end hooked hard and tossed you the other way :S

Basically, the entry was 3rd gear, with a downshift to second after the ebrake initiation. I was slow on the clutch pedal and the gas pedal on the crashed run, compared to the one before it in the video. It was 100% my fault as I did not keep the rear spinning hard enough and it hooked and slammed me into the embankment.

Nice, good thing you’re OK. Cars can be fixed.

My question to you is…how the fuck do some of these heaps have actual plates on them? Especially the DMCC competition S14?! They are mega busted, if you drove shit like that around here you would be in prison.

I only ask because really I am hatin’ … I can’t drive my Skyline anywhere without heat.

Jersey pretty much does not care, to be perfectly honest. I’m probably registering the 350z in Florida next year as they have no inspections (no etest, no safety, nothing). Hell, I put plates on the Z for Bing’s meet this year :wink:

The crash is the top link on Wrecked Magazine’s blog right now:


crazy… looks to have been the jam of jams

New Haunted Moves Video:

Also, on the crash note, we were reviewing some camera stuff and checking out the steering rack. It appears that while yes, I probably would have done less damage kicking the clutch and throttle harder and earlier… it also appears I had the rack off center by a spline which caused the steering to lock. Further fucking me over. Oh well! More stuff to change for next year :slight_smile: