Club Loose East Coast Bash: The Bible Burner / Pics and Vids

Alrighty, so I was down at Englishtown this past weekend rocking dmoffitt’s 350z at ClubLoose’s East Coast Bash: The Bible Burner. While not a particularly great road course, for drifting Etown’s circuit ROCKS! I was a bit tentative do to the fact that I haven’t really slid a car though concecutive turns (on purpose :mamoru:) in quite some time (2007?). So yeah… Saturday I was rocking 17’s and just trying to concentrate on being smooth and keeping the car moving sideways, unfortunately I was on undersized tires which I realized about my last group of runs for the day. As Shawn put it “dude, combine your road racing line with the fact that you’re trying to not spin vs drift and that’s most of your issues right there!”.

So Sunday we swapped out to the 18" 255 and 265’s and it was like an entirely new car, it slid easily and progressively and was SUPER fun to drive. This allowed me to start grabbing 3rd gear in the banked sections. I think I spun twice all day on Sunday vs Saturday where I had maybe 3 clean runs total. We had a bunch of people ask us what turbo setup I was running because the car seemed “so much faster than the other Z’s/G’s out there” had a good laugh telling them it was a virtually stock NA motor. :wink: Anyway, fantastic event, great people and some really neat cars. I’m really pumped I decided to spend most of my track time drifting this year, I forgot how much fun it is! My ONLY complains in relation to the car is that it needs more power and a hydraulic ebrake. I couldn’t get the car to hold out long enough to drop into Turn 2 smoothly and an ebrake would’ve really helped there to extend the slide, as well as made it possible for me to enter turn 1 much much earlier with significantly more speed (3rd gear perhaps? Which also could’ve helped solve my Turn 2 entry issues).

Some video from the car:

I’ll update the thread with more photos as they are posted!


so your running a virtually stock na ka24 ? and you can slide 255’s?

VQ35DE? I’m driving the white 350z.

Nice video

thanks for the vid

thank u for sharing… cuz sharing is caring

Some more pics from my buddy PT.

keep em coming i see some ziptied cars of there… voskos coupe

Ugh… the 2010 Mustang thing is so ugly…
That FC is ballin though.

More pics from another forum.

oh shit awesome event

Not sure I mentioned this to the owner of the car but the passanger’s side of the car got about 10inches of air when I did this nasty wheel drop in this set of photos. Atleast according to the spectators at the wall, car was fine though :slight_smile:

omg such a sick track

i need to go there.

awesome pics. s14.5 looks mean without the front bumper