so i found a dog...

Meh, he just seems to like to see who he can get all riled up on the internet and you seem more than happy to take the bait. :ham:

you started this one, dude. lay off the name-calling and this shit won’t start. who cares what kind of person newman decides to be. he can hate pets, you can fuck your dog in the ass. we’re all happy.

i wood deestroy you.

can. and will.

Thats funny.

Rob, Soul Man was the first thing I thouht of…hahahaha

oh badazzss. your teh sickest dude bro around.



well that’s a given.

newman… if you really do fight someone, i want it to be in the ritz parking lot, at night, surrounded by a circle of cars with their high beams on, lionheart style.

something like this

any more fight talk and you both get banned

All this fight talk makes Odin sad.

ive heard the story a million times…the dad (newman) doesnt want a dog - infact, hates the idea of it…but after a week of having one, theyre inseperable.

haha how the hell does a thread involving a dog being found turn into…uhhh nevermind :lol:

i guess that’s a threat, in some way or another??

so if i make a thread about who i want to fight, are you going to break out the banhammer? i think i should be able to, since people make threads about lost dogs… fast food choices… online games… stalkers… partying with cool kids in atlanta… and of course… snakes on a plane!


Grow up, and use the ignore button.

speak english fuck-head

+100 for everyone else who agrees

aww, is that some sort of mastiff?

cute looking dog.

^Uhh, bloodhound?

english mastif.

what do i win?

i love when that dog rubs its vag all over my hoodie.