So I got a winter beater...

Ok, so maybe my DD and my winter beater are the same but figured I’d wash and wax before the snow hits, and got the new tires/rims put on.


looking good

Awesome pic :tup:

Looks real nice.

Man, that car’s too nice for winter dude!

Oh yea? Nice… nice…

x2. nice ride man.

I like it.

dat’s purdy

pretty fancy winter beater.

so sexy, so sexy.

do do dede do…do…do…do. do do dede do so fresh and so clean

Teh Sex


Great looking M. I love that interior as well. It looks for clean for a black car of that age.

:tup: very clean.

Uhhhg, I’m going to punch you, bag.
It’s JUST an M3. There are very very few cars that are not winterable. Classic’s (though even some of those are), 2wd 500+whp (and even then I’d drive say a new z06 in the winter), and short production/rare cars.

And Ryan, the winter wheels look great.

^^ shut up bag face

i dont drive mine in winter. I would like it to hold the resale when i decide to sell it soon :eek:

i am gonna buy a carrera 4s and drive that ish in the snow…I heart Ryans car

M3 really have no resale value right now, which is why I bought one :slight_smile: