So I got to play around in a Maybach

got to take it for a short spin around DC this weekend

it moves pretty good and stops pretty good for a boat

its a lot bigger than it looks on TV

it has 2 monster front calipers on each wheel

suprisingly smallish trunk

the back center councel looks like its made for people that love the nose candy

bottom line I need to get rich, cause i felt like a pimp for about 10 minutes, everyone was breaking thier necks

word. havnt been inside but ive seen a few in vegas.

Wow… thats a $315K luxury sedan. Did you knew the owner? :jealous:


:slight_smile: PICS OR BAN

yes i know the owner, its my brother in laws dad

I have no pics, I left thursday morning at like 4:30am

going out wednesday did not help me remember my camera, I had a rough drive to dc,

then i ate turkey and passed the foook out


Did you go to McDonald’s and complain that the Value Meals aren’t Valuerific.

he’s lying don’t believe him. :slight_smile:


ive seen a few but never was in one

:wrd: seriously make with SOMESORTA PICS… or something…