so i guess my car is slow

sad part is nick…back when u first started with ur car i was happy for u to get it running and good numbers…

but then u started being a hater…

oh and let me do this for u since this is ur amo all the time…oh im greg im a big tough guy bouncer blahh blahh…after the shit i listened to last night it made me realize truly who u are and that all ur about is getting in on the conversation with other people to bash anyone u can…then that same person u bashed ull go chill with and talk shit about the guys u were with the night before…

one thing and understand this…annything i say i can back up…i dont play the i wanna fit in game so im gonna talk shit about everyone…ill say what i gotta say when i gotta say it…u talked all this shit to me on here yet in front of everyone at the lia sho talked to me like u never talked shit…

one of these days ur gonna grow up to be a big boy and stop wearing panties and realize im the type of guy who woulda helped u any way i could and be happy for your accomplishements if u didnt run around and play the “side with the guy ur with at that moment game”…

theres no one on this site i need to prove shit to…but i can tell u this…ive proved to numerous on here who i really am as a person…smokinnnn ,slowmarro, and quite a few others…and ill guarentee they will all vouch for it…

its time to realize that trying to bash someone u aint got shit on is not goin to be to your advantage…its making u look stupid to these guys

and u as the rest…please beat me…all its gonna do is make be build something retarded…this is the game i love to play and why ive built bikes like i have for last 10 yrs…i love the up me game

i just need to get them all out lol

im greg im a big tough guy bouncer
i have no life and think im cool cause i work at a bar
i build motorcycles cause i cant go fast in a car
i talk shit about everybody and there moms

blahhh blahhhh blahhhhh

saved u the typing nick

ill even one up this even more…

ill extend my hand to a hand shake nick…we can squash it and let it go and build our cars and go fuck with people and piss them off…

or we can continue this and u can plsy the shift guy and nice to my face and go to others on here and talk shit about me and throw ur other friends into it that have nothing to do with any of it…

this is ur choice…u let me know where u wanna go with this…either way is fine with me

so yes go back and read all i wrote and come back with some stupid comment…i said what i had to say this is how i feel…i sat with u numerous days and was totally cool with u then all ur friends and not just shift friends tell me alll the stupid non sense u talk about me…im not down with fake…we r cool or nothing and u can continue your journey to try and make me look bad to people who know me now…

Do you think i care if anyone on this site likes me? I said in front of jon, and brett that i want to race you, on you best set up and i dont think ill have a problem with it. Thats shit talking? Ill say everything ive ever said on here to your face. Im not afraid of you at all. You never once told me ive ran a good time or anything of the sort. I dont hold any grudges or anything against you at all, why would i be a dick to you in person? This is all extremely funny to me that you think i am trying to be best friends with the people of shift 518. Sorry man, no bashing went on last night and if it did id of told you. Check your “sources”.

I have ac etc and just pull my seats for a 4000lb race weight with big and littles, just to be clear. And also, sat there and watched someone say they didnt like you multiple times in front of people last night. Strange that never got back to your way.

Buncha drama ITT. I vouch to end the bitchfest and shake hands, it’s not worth it anymore.

thats because people are too SCARED to say it too me…u took just ur seats out? come one…there was no door panels or anything

and ive never told u good job or what ur car ran? dude ur a straight liar there…numerous times at the shop i told u that and WHEN U RAN UR 11. whatever pass i said to u damn dude thats flying good job…numerous times to anthony and mith i said ur car was quick…so maybe u need to check your sources…

so u had one guy tell u how they didnt like me? really one fucking dude who is probably a hater too…

we can run no prob…if i gotta wait for your car to be finished then let me do what i wanna do to mine then we can go heads up…no excuses no bitching no my car isnt right…u build yours ill build mine heads up no bullshit…friend race or cash race u name it…my bmw is gonna be gone here very quick…ill put all 15500 into my car without a issue…ill give u my dyno sheets and all after its done and we can run…

i have nothing to hide from anyone…and if ur sources are some bitch who will talk shit behind my back…then have fun with that homie

like i said at any point u wanna stop the shit my hand will go out no problem

as a matter of fact id really like to just do this

any person on here who has a issue with me pm me…lets meet up and talk about the issue and see where it goes…

ill extend my hand to every god damn person on this site who wants to settle any drama they got with me…

no more talking shit behind a computer screen…man the fuck up and lets do this…

My 11.60 at 120 pass was with just seats out with bogarts. No spare an jack in trunk. Im not asking you to show me or tell me anything, all i said was i wasnt amazingly impressed and blowing you over a 9.7 on a 300 shot and that i wanted to race you when the time was right. Thats being an asshole talking shit? I guess if you consider that then ok. Ever since you ran up to howard and had to run and point me out to him i lost a lost a lot of respect for you. Thats that. Take it as you will.

lol 9.7 on a 300 shot u better read alittle more…

as for pointing u out to howard…howard is a friend who dont talk shit about me…and when my friends ask something or who someone is i will point them out…

sounds like ur butt hurt cause u didnt want howard to know who u are…

lol sounds like u still cant respect a fast car…thats ok…i dont expect u too…ive offered everything here…u build yours ill build mine…we race cash or friends…ive offered and hand shake and get past all this…looks like it shows this is the life u wanna live…

just remember ull never beat me…and if u do beat me ill just build something to make ur fuckin head spin…

i give up…ur a waste of typing and my breathe…i got told the shit u say…i asked the people who u brought into it and yet no one will be a man to my face about it and deny it all and say ur a liar…so its all showing true colors here…no biggie…

i will respond from here on not as lets get past this with my hand out…just as ur my fuckin entertainment…ur whats gonna make me laugh…guess u gotta be good at something huh

for me even trying to be cool with u and end this

Im not butt hurt over the howard incident at all. I was hillarious and extremely pathetic on his behalf. I could of came home and aired a bunch of dirty laundry on you and made sure it got to places it shouldnt, but i didnt. Because im not that type of person. I dont care enough to make a big deal out of things. As far as you thinking ill never beat you, guess we’ll just have to see about that one. I havent brought anyone into anything. I told you what i said in front of brett and john last night, again, i said i wasnt extremely impressed with what i saw the previous owner ran on all motor, 150 and 300 shot and that id love to race you and that i think i can beat you when im done. Thats all. Id love to know what i said? Cobra jeff and smokin were right there when i said it as well. Im not out to shit talk you as much as you think i am. I dont have a problem with you, again. Dont know what else you want me to say. You can text me and tell me what i said last night, or post it up here. Id again love to know!

Well, guess we can both post pics…

Bro car was never sprayed with a 300 except Dyno…9.7 was a 200 shot …id say for stock heads n intake car runs pretty well

Again get facts straight before u speak

Have my facts straight according to the previous owners postings on ls1gto. Again, i dont really care. Just repeating what i said last night.

Who cares whos car is faster. Just shake hands and be done with it.

Wow… serious? People arguing over getting compliments on how quick their cars are? SERIOUS??? Buncha bitches up in here… sound like chicks… “you never tell me I’m pretty anymore”. Holy shit… someone ban then until their balls fall out of their manginas.

But seriously though… it’s been a long time since you’ve told me I’m pretty, Cliff.

Cliff is the most annoying person i think ive ever seen post on here.

I think I might take that title.