so i guess my car is slow

Well its not like I ever see you. I’m too busy being KOTS… mad weight reduction… no room for you to come when im gutting my daily driver of its 25lb pass. Seat… don’t hate though… you know I think you’re pretty or I wouldn’t be coming back to ya.

Really? I think we can debate that with you on this board. This thread proves it alone.

:rofl. Such an idiot.

Go brush your teeth Travis Koch.

Go blow ern goti some more on your cool site no one goes to

Oh damn you got me… atleast I have the ability to get into my car and drive it to hang out with Ernie… ill race you there. Oh… wait…

Oh wait, i have another car, a daily thats nicer than any of your cars you little girl. Nice try and fail again. Keep talking shit tough guy.

I need more mods…This cam only shit is no longer cutting it.

Did you run anyone tonight?

Well damn, I’m go ahead and put in my tampon. I hope it goes in the right way since I’m such a moron! Congrats on succeeding at life since you have a nicer car than me.

I hope it gives you toxic shock and you slowly die. Go hang out on your cool site that gets 4 hits a day you fucking goon.

You are so brutal. You keep bringing up a forum my friend started that didn’t quite take off. Why do you think throwing that in my face would piss me off? I’ve also been on this forum longer than you… so what’s the issue? Also what’s your other DD? Lets see pics if its so nice.


You parade it around like its yours. Tried throwing in my face that i have a nice car that broke and youre an idiot because i have a nice daily as well. So Mr. Success what makes you so great at life and your amazing acomlishments that your gods gift?

Very cool stories, bros.

I parade it around like its mine? By having a banner in my signature? So everyone with a shift518 sticker on their car also claims ownership?

I still don’t know what your daily driver is…

I never said anything about “nice cars”… you did. I took a shot at you for blowing it the fuck it. It could be a 92 sentra or a 2010 Corvette. Don’t gve a shit… its blown the fuck up.

You took a shot because your car is supposedly nicer than mine… which I don’t give a shit about anyways… you do… otherwise you wouldn’t have said that.

And as for accomplishments… the only thing I even care about is my 8month old daughter who has more teeth than you.

no. Wasnt there long and I had the wifey with me. I dont like doing runs with her so I didnt stick around long enough to get antagonized to do runs cause once that happens I cant refuse loll

Chill out with the tooth comments, Cliff. We’re talking about stupid cars and other shit. Medical/physical problems really shouldn’t be brought into it.

so is this about cars?

sssmokinnns car hits hard. G.S’ car hits hard.

johns camaro literally blows the tires off.

:rofl John has the worst luck.