so i guess my car is slow

save a horse… ride a cowboy


my car IS a horse pete…its a damn mustang…so that makes me a cowboy i guess lmao…never thought about that. ill have to get a cowboy hat and where that with all the flannel that i rock. cowboy lumberjack?

hahaha fail on my part jeffy

pete, u did nothing but win. there was absolutely no fail whatsoever bud!

where u wanna go

Anywhere straight

Im goin to track Thursday…heads up at track?

Work all day Thursday man, I’m sure well set something up another time

LMK when you’re ready run from a 20 or 40 roll.

LMK when you’re ready to run from a 60 roll

LMK when you’re ready to eat a cinnamon roll.

LMK when your ready to LMK

LMK when you’re ready to LMK that you’re ready to LMK.

in for cinnabon eating

oh em gees YES! me too!

Track is 3-8 thurs…if it don’t rain

Yeh I work 1-9. Why not go on a weekend?

Sucks there is no more Fri night grudge runs . Is do a dig run there full tilt after a few passes to get used to the car

next season when its a fair race. you have an advantage with e85. so ill have to pass playboy

Should be ready for 20 or 40 rolls soon