so i guess my car is slow

Google warrior has spoken lolololololol

Wait can he tell what lid is on my car?

Post a pic , Google image is hottt . Jdaniels don’t get mad I’m busting balls cause others call ya the Google warrior

That’s Brett’s nickname, not mine. LOL

U to I’ve heard lol

I can speed read and have retard strength in my brain. Obviously a lot of what I know comes from research (online included), but it’s permanently infused in my brain and I fully understand it. haha

Nuttin wrong wit knowledge at all

yeah, i google everything.

thats just what kkk the novelist thinks, but then again he is the master of everything. i am new to cars and dont have access to the same forums as the rest of the world, am incapable of reading and learning, and on top of that, i have Zero experience with any type of automobile.

Haha that’s why I said that, I remember that post.

Ready to run from 40 whenever. Would like to check out the car!

you guys got your rain tires on? lets go do some digs!!

Ughh I just detailed my car the other day, but I’ll take it out of the garage and put some money down for a dig in the rain:dunno

That doesn’t even make sense but i will try to follow your thoughts. Stating the quality of the current tune in your call out is irrelevant, hell you could have left it off no matter how good or bad it was since we all assume if a car is running and someone wants to race it its ready to go, tuner doesn’t matter whats so ever. No its not smart of you to still have a shit tune, because you are still driving on it like I already said. And yes its still an excuse. You are a straight up clownshoe if you were to run someone, blow the thing apart or loose to a “lesser car” and then mention ANYTHING about the texas tune having something to do with it. If you arnt a clown shoe, it blew up or you lost and had the balls to swallow pride and not mention anything about the tune maybe causing it (but think it in the back of your head)… then see my second sentence in this reply.

Could be sure. sloppy seconds are always cheaper. But this one sounds fishy from what everyone is saying here… i really don’t give a shit about the car or its condition, hell i would be able to identify it if you drove by and shit out the window at me. The tune needs to be redone, sounds like the trans is questionable. But what do I know, maybe throwing another $3000 in a Howie tune and $2500 for a transmission rebuild to remove those doubts is still cheaper for you in the long run. That whole “do it once, do it right” thing is what i really ment. I would rather spend a little more to do it right the first time than fix issues left behind from the previous guy and still have a shadow of doubt cast over the rest of the car. Mehh. again don’t really care, this is just me replying to your statement.


Hell yeaaaa. new sig.

^ dude, if somebody wants to run him b4 the new tune and he wants to do it, then let him. i dont think it was an excuse rather than just a “im letting you know it has a tune that wouldnt be optimal for this part of the country.” and if greg did lose, im sure drew would run him again with the new tune. then we would see if it was an “excuse” based on what happens with race #2. i dont really think greg cares about losing btw.


I don’t know of any tuner that wouldn’t have interpolated/extrapolated the data for conditions not seen during the tune session. Should have no problem running a NY tune in TX and vice versa.

Hang on. Lets put this into other words.

Hey Joe Bob, do you want to go hunting with me?

Yeah sure.

OK cool. My gun doesnt shoot straight because it needs to be sighted in still, I just bought it from a crooked eyed texas fuck.

Hey you know what Ted on second thought, I would rather not go hunting with you since your equipment isn’t properly prepared. Not only might you accidentally shoot me, chances are you wont even hit a deer so whats the point?

Joe Bob my gun is totally awesome though, when its working right it should shoot the shit out of everything I see. Let go try it anyways.

Wellll, OK I guess so. You are dont really have a shot at hitting anything, I dont know why you are even wasting your time.

Because Joe, when I get it sighted in, it will shoot so much better, it will be wicked cool to see the difference in performance.

off topic like a muthafucka

Average elevation in NYS 1000 feet. Average Elevation in Texas 1,700 feet.

Tomorrows weather in NYS 81 deg day, 56 night 10% chance of rain. Tomorrows weather in Texas 101 deg day, 80 night 10% chance of rain.

Soooo the texas tune is 700 feet and 20 degs off? Thats what like 56 whp?

If so, maybe they tuned it at night in texas, so you can run it in the day time in NY? lol

Except you are leaving one big factor that has a lot to do with the AFR…humidity which is about twice as high in NY then in TX.

But then again you know everything so I’m sure you thought of that.

Normally I wouldn’t be one to start shit, but lately all you seem to do is bash everyone on here for anything and everything and act like your shit don’t stink, what makes you better then everyone else? Constructive criticism is one thing but acting like some know it all is another.

Why is the know it all with no car still chiming in?