Mmmm… Chili dogs.
That doesn’t really look that good, but far be it for me to argue against a single dish containing 4+ pounds of meat from 2+ animals. :karter:
Now i want a hot dog :meh:
What. The. Fuck.
that recipe needs more grog
Lookin’ good JK.
siq brn
gross. poor people food.
probably tastes fan-fucking-tastic! id love to try this sometime if you take it to a meet or something! lol
heres something to try out. and boy oh boy is it my favorite. we got it from my dads best friend in boston.
Sirloin Steak-equal parts of –ketchup,coke,Italian dressing, let the steak sit in a ziplock bag over night. oh man is it fucking great!
I heart chili. That looks great to me. Mushrooms are a great addition. :tup:
i think you need to drain the meat
could you give us a few more things that go in it other then money
So I just realized I’m fat
Is that the same thing a junkie/addict feels when they realize they’ve hit rock bottom?
I drained an entire mushroom can of grease off the meat.
I didnt put up a recipe because everyone likes different things, some people like really hott, some people like really sweet, its all about your own taste. Buy some meat and go to town haha
karter my mom is making it tonight and wants to know if you want another plate?
mushrooms do not belong in chili
oh but they do. As long as you fry them in butter or I cant believe its nto butter (i perfer the i cant believe…)
ive already suspected that you are fat, and most likely bald, at a relatively young age
Could have at least cleaned the edges of the pot a little bit before taking a picture, for fucks sake.