So i login to FB

and see this…

lol, yes it is car related.

link to illiterate bitches FB profile plz. she looks like a nice little slut


is that her mom that posted the reply? if so, pwn3d.

if not, bitch should mind her own business.

ya its her mom.

and to the dude who asked if she was fit…oh yes she is…

her bf is a little gangster faggot.

lol Internet win.

lol, i like the dates and times they were posted. id still show her the meaning of driving hard though, lol

lol wtf i just noticed this.

do you have your FB set to pirate mode or something? that’s awesome.

that is pretty cool, either that or its fake… id lend her my pole to go fishing with, lol, k, that was the last one, i swear.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, that is jokes
yeah your facebook looks weird man

Haha, that’s epic.
On a side note, I need to know how to make my FB all pirate like. Post secrets here!

pffft fuck lending her my pole. i’d use it myself and do a little “fishing” in her “pond”

in that case though, i would hope i DIDN’T catch anything…

I think you were both trying to make the same sexual reference there :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d kill her with the sex

she gets the sandpaper condom

lmao, well, i mean, if its gonna be wet, just wear a rain-jacket :wink:

i’m not talking about a cold or pneumonia…

looking at her again, i’d probably double bag that shit.

rain jacket=rubber=dome=fun-bag=a jimmy=battle helmet=hoody=cock sock=love glove etc etc, which = a condom


no shit sherlock…

which is why i said i’d double bag it.

double bag = 2 condoms…

oh and fun bags are tits, not condoms.

lmmmfao its fucked up that i had that girl on my facebook before i deleted it