So I tried to take a nice picture on Saturday... (no 56)

Check out the Steel Building

I was shivering my ass off while taking it. Wish it would’ve turned out. :frowning:

use a tripod next time… or prop your arms on something steady. still though, thats cool as hell

I dont think they’d let me carry a tripod into Heinz Field, plus I wouldn’t want to carry my cold ass aluminum one accross the bridge. I was leaning on the railing at the top of the pavillion on the steelers side(my arms were sticking to it). I took this picture no less than 15 times and this was my best result.

it was sweet when the did the penguin symbol back in the day when the penguins were a good hockey team

back when hockey existed :kekegay:

that is still pretty cool looking even though it didn’t turn out the way you wanted.

It’s still a slick picture. I like the skyline of Pitt at night.

i guess i take it for granted cause i walk outside and see it everyday. I can’t imagine if the civic arena was removed from our skyline thou. they better keep that place around for something.

Damn, I can get a better picture above 3 mile hill just outside Mt.Pleasant :rofl:
