I take my buddy along with me to go help take pictures at the cruise. Well hes taking pictures as am I going back and forth. Then all the sudden I come up with the idea for him to climb this billboard to get some aerial shots (joking). To my surprise he replys with, “no problem.” One thing leads to the another and he starts climbing (as im about to have a massive heart attack from fear of him falling he gets up with no problems) Heres some shots from on top of the billboards thats sits in the middle of the strip district.
You faggggggggot…haha, way to make me known to the community…now I have to move to a different state and stop posting on the forums…
To all of those who think that was toooooo high is wasn’t jack squat. I got up there and was trying to shake it to see how sturdy it was. I don’t see the big deal…this is how I think of the situation. Look at a dumbnut climb up a metal ladder…or…look at those chicks washing cars in the bikini’s. I personally would choose the titties over the asshole doing something stupid, but the only exception to the rule is if A) I was drunk doing this or B) I slipped and fell.
But in all seriousness it was nothing…at least I got the f^ck down before Jonny Law showed up…and was also (what a suprise) driving around the tower I might have been up.
Its actually really sturdy up there…just hope you are expecting the wind gusts…other than that. It had a sweet view…its just that the pole is too close to the parking lot to take a better picture, so some a full view of the lot would be difficult to achieve in one picture.