So if you ever get to go to Oahu

costs 1 whole dollar and its a GREAT fucking view

my shitty 3.2 megapixel camera… but i thought it was nice

what is that wood thing on top of the mountain for?

It’s some fort

“When the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898, harbor defense became a main responsibility. One of the major defense forts, Fort Ruger, occupied the Diamond Head Crater. A battery of canons was located within the crater providing complete concealment and protection from invading enemies. An observation deck was constructed at the summit in 1910 to provide target sighting and a four level underground complex was built within the walls of the crater as a command post.”

this is what i got from a website

the summit was that… i guess its just a fortified look out… which you would never know it was looking at… until you get to the top and its like HOLY SHIT

more pictures i took

Hey, my birthday is on pearl harbor day dec. 7 ,1978. My friend scott just moved back from oahu last year. he regrets it very much.

real BA

Fuck you and the Air Force that sent you there.

1st pic just became my new background…thanks :slight_smile:

Went there 4 years ago for our Honeymoon… Long walk, but worth every step.

:tup: awesome view.

The only bad thing is seeing the 80-90 year old lady naked on the beach.