so Im about to rip apart one of the two 600hp Caterpillars..

on my buddys yacht. :hsugh:

beats working on pools for a day or two.

Want a cookie?

with the intent to have them run again, or just to fuck around with?

with the intent that hes losing about 3,000 a day until we get it rebuilt. Were not doing most of the internal work. Just have to get access to the engine and do some general tearing down. The turbos on them are bigger than my head. :cool:

you’ll fuck it all up and he will have to file for chapter 11 in a few months.

you couldn’t even make a prelude run good, and now you’re trying this :nono:


if your bitch ass would have ever showed up at a meet with that hunk of shit Yamaford, I would have showed you just how well the Prelude ran.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

prelude’s were not even a challenge for the SHO, ask blackws6. :smiley:

and he even had yellow neuspeed stickers and painted calipers.

nuespeed banner ftw

I know all about yachts, I do live in the North Hills…

SCF yacht?

Am I supposed to be impressed? You would have went down. You knew it then. You know it now. Thats why you wouldn’t race. That, and because your testicles are still lodged comfortably in your lower abdomen.

correction - my wife has my balls and only lets me have them on special occasions. :frowning:

Spent half a day on a new yacht taking sound & vibration measurements on the engines. Awesome boat.

But diesel fumes + hot engine room + heavy rocking + reading a meter = not feeling so great. Land > water

How do you pull the engines out of those things? The access hatch was pretty small.