So I'm going to court tomorrow...


Give me an address and he wont have a house.



The court will notify the contractor that he must appear in court, you dont have to serve them papers. Small claims is done through the mail.


The court will notify the contractor that he must appear in court, you dont have to serve them papers. Small claims is done through the mail.


And all he has to say is “I never received them” and out the window go’s your idea. You need to have a server verify that he received them.

All kinds of info here.

No, if he fails to show he loses. That i never got it doesent work, the courts tend to believe the U.S. Postal service.


[quote=The_Russian;751609]Give me an address and he wont have a house.



that was awesome




I’ll add:

Sheriff served the papers to the contractor.

and wow, what a wonderfully diverse group of picards…


All kinds of info here.


Good stuff. Thank you.