4 NySpeeder’s in vegas with a Benz full of loose women. Not good, but definitely not the worst.
Well lucky for them, I am single.
Fixed. Because 4 Nyspeeder’s doesn’t always mean much. Calling SouthWest. BRB.
if it wasnt within the 2 week rape zone for airfare i’d have to consider this. I’d get my free GO room at flamingo and pick up the free leather jacket theyre offering to try and entice me back.
Im thinking about it.
Blah Blah Blah Whats the worst that could happen?
Sounds like fun!
ANNNNND Im going to look at flights. Besides there is a nice M5 on autotrader I want to buy that is in Vegas.
dude, did you forget about my saturday night?
I will call her now.
Did someone say Vegas?
You guys want to plan a Vegas trip in a few months? Im always down to rage.
Vegas > Tiny Brunette Bombshells
NYE? Spring?
I’ve got Spain coming up too in Feb…you moe’s could come out with me there…
I HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO VEGAS!!! I hear there is lots of blow+hookers so i need to be there. NOWWWWWW
NYSpeed meet at the Bunny Ranch!
Fuck. Drew. For real. Come down next weekend.
Besides Halloween the strip has been dead lately. I was @ TAO 2 weeks ago because we had a comp’d table thanks to a buddy of mine and the place was empty.
Bunny ranch is like a ~7 hour drive from Vegas.
What are the dates I will check flights. I can possibly get all of my HW done if I have proper motivation(hookers,blow, and gambling)
FUCK i just looked and my AIRTRAN credit could get me there and back. Plus the free GO room and free leather jacket. But I’d have to keep myself on a budget for the weekend :gay:
I was roofied at Club Pure the last time I went to Vegas. Let’s go. I have a few places to stay at. And these are houses you want to be in.
I’m going down the 11th, heading home (supposedly) on the 14th.