Las Vegas, NV

In only a few short weeks I depart for my first trip to Las Vegas, NV. I am staying at the Tropicana. Saturday night we are seeing Cirque Du Soleil: The Beatles LOVE.

Also we are arriving there early July 4th. Therefore in the evening we want to catch some 4th of July fireworks.

Aside from gambling- what are some other good things to see and do? What experiences have you had in Vegas? What would you do again if you went? What could you have gone without?


the greatest city in this country.

Do withouts:

Drinking so much
Rental car (we had one, but really with the monorail system it was kinda useless. It was nice the day we drove to the dam, but the bus tour would have bee just as nice, and I could have seen more not watching the road.

Do next time:
spend less time gambling and more time hitting the local sights, and maybe a drive to LA.

And if you like steak, do miss the Wild, Wild, West steak and eggs breakfast for $2.99. one of the best deals in town on food…

the bellagio buffet is awesome. I saw the beatles love last august, you will love it, amazing. we were there for five days so we went and saw the hoover dam and walked pretty much the whole strip. the venetian is pretty sweet how they have a river on the second floor.

Free water show at atlantis ( ceasers ), see white tigers at the mirage. The aquarium at the mirage. circus circus has a free circus. have to see the fountains at the bellogio. wild life at Flamingos, thunderstorm @ alladin and maybe see paris skinny dippin at the palms resort :slight_smile:

We go to vegas at least once, if not twice a year…some good things are:

The Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay
The Roller coaster at NY, NY and the “street scene” inside the casino
The Lions at MGM
The water show at the Bellagio
The pirate ship at Treasure Island
The gondola ride at Venetian
The Volcano at the Mirage

You can take a helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon and have a champagne brunch on the canyon floor (never been but looks cool)

It’s awesome just to walk all over and see the different things that Vegas has to offer.

The RIO (off the strip) has the largest (and very good) buffet in Vegas. If you go to the Rio make sure to hit up the VooDoo Lounge at the tippy top of the casino, great view from up there! THAT would be the best place to see the fireworks IMO>…

Dinner at the top of the Stratosphere–pricey (great food tho) but the top revolves around so you get a 360º view from up there.

Blue Man group (they moved to the Venetian I think)
“O” at the Bellagio
La Reve at the Wynn

If you go to the Wynn make sure to check out the SW STeakhouse, dinner is VERY $$$$ but famous ppl go there all the time (we’ve seen many stars there) and the show on the water is awesome after dark. Also have a Lamborghini dealership there that you can tour.

Good luck and pm me if you have any questions! :slight_smile:

The tigers and lions at the MGM was pretty awesome.

![ in Las Vegas 2005 230.jpg]( in Las Vegas 2005 230.jpg)
![ in Las Vegas 2005 229.jpg]( in Las Vegas 2005 229.jpg)

Yeah, a rental car is pretty much useless in Vegas. Take cabs or walk, and if you want to go out to hoover dam, rent one of the exotic cars IMO for a couple hours! :slight_smile:

PS It’s gonna be HOTTER than HADES out there in July (or end of june whenever you go out) so be prepared. THey say DRY HEAT, but 110º is 110º no matter WHAT the humidity. And it can get chilly at night out there in the desert. Bring a light jacket in case. (some of the casinos can be pretty chilly too inside)

Lots of great advice in this thread. I recommend the tour bus if you want to go to Hoover dam…it’s cheap and fun. I had reserved a rental car for half the week we were in Vegas and i ended up cancelling it. Did not need it at all.
One thing to watch out for…the time share people. They are EVERYWHERE on the strip. They will entice you with free show tickets and a bunch of other freebies. If you are willing to give up 2-3 hours of your precious vacation time, and are good at resisting high pressure sales tactics, then by all means go through a presentation and get the freebies. But if not, then be aware they are all over the place and will be after you constantly…pretty annoying.

Bunny Ranch FTW!!!

Definitely see some if not all that was mentioned already. Each hotel has its own attraction. Shopping, gambling, drinking, etc are the usuals, though.

I’ve been there twice for work. We usually catch one mainliner show. Last year we saw Howie Mandel. Good stuff. We usually go to the shops at Caesar’s. The Fashion Show Mall. Etc. etc. etc. Buffets are great. Don’t buy drinks at the bar. Just go to the casino, pop a $5 into a slotmachine, order some drinks, and get loose there. Otherwise you’re going to pay alot for drinks in the bar.

get s0nny to say I DO!

yes please, so he can put his gayness back in the closet !

i seen the 1 when it came to Pittsburgh it was really cool…u’ll def like it Jenn

Yeah, definately avoid the ppl that say “would you like free tickets to a show tonight” They aren’t giving out free tickets for free LOL…Just say NO THANKS and keep walking. They are useless and a waste of time!

You need to get neonracer01 in on thsi thread. He lived there for a few months. I’m sure he knows all the good places.

Not to mention all the folks handing out the hooker trading cards at night…:doh:

when my cousin went he got a ton of those :rofl:

Steak House at the Circus Circus…best steak on the strip…but $$$$

you takin that guy with the VW’s ?..if so, close your eyes…I have to tell him something…

… Crazy Horse II (great lap dances) and Spearmint Rhino

Hahahah…i grabbed some of those for one of my inside sales guys who asked me to get him some…he couldn’t believe it…my wife and i were reading them and ROFL…some real skanks there.
The time share people can get REALLY agressive…i almost beat one of them down towards the end of our vaca…he was working the courtyard at the Tropicana, and we were just passing throught here on the way to some other casinos…he kept following us and hounding us and my wife spun around and just yelled “please leave us alone”…well he mouthed off to her and i went after him and 2 of his fellow sharks grabbed me and held me back(as did my wife…LOL)…Best bet is to just ignore those people, dont even answer them, becasue once they get you talking, they will not let you go!