So kramer proved he is as retarded as pete and murdogg

A thread saying youre retarded and youre worried about me ruining it?

Yes, it was incredibly entertaining then you threw it completely of course.

Ok back on topic then- youre a retard that does retarded things.

Im not sure what your talking about, cameo was just assuming i would drive all the way out to his house just to beep my horn…

Well he must have his reasons for assuming that and calling you a retard

someone should call a taxi to his house to see what happens when he pulls up out front an beeps lol

You mean you live with your parents, in a peaceful development?

Yeah? reporting? So what if it’s a taxi beeping? or a car you don’t know who it is? hmmm? You gonna assume? and have the police come to one of us and find out the vehicle isn’t owned by any of us and then think you’re just a clown calling for fun. Great idea, jerkoff.

You are an idiot. That has nothing to do with you knowing people, they probably pulled you over and thought you were retarded and let you go. You brag abot getting pulled over all the time and how nervous you get.
You’re not fooling anyone, no one is getting worried here.

Correction: He lives with his aunt and cousin…:rofl

Cameo… so lets say you think I drove past your house and beeped. What are you going to do? Call the cops and be like “Murrdog just beeped at my house…” and there going be like wtf are you talking about. You have no idea where I live and I don’t even think you know my real name. Chill the fuck out, I use to beep past this one families house every single time I drove by, ask lksi for a confirmation. Didn’t matter what time either. The point is, quit being a bitch… if your family gives you heat for it, explain that you have no control over the situation. If they wanna call the cops… so be it, but you shouldn’t. Faggot.


good thing i was workin in lake george, well

I’ll kill all of you

post full of threats = banz0r bye bye

awwww… I wanted him to respond

warning? warning them of personal harm?

threat = banz0r… my dreams are going to become reality soon if see anymore threats in this thread :excited


just quoting “threats” right now so he cant delete them and say he didnt say them. but he’ll be gone for a week or so. :shifty

more :clap

so much win…i cant handle it :ahh

cameo, you’re going to hire a private investigator, i’m going to walk 20 houses down the street to my grandfather’s house who’s one of the best private investigators in the area :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap

just a little taste of what would happen if you seriously did anything about me fucking with you.

by the way, all of this commotion over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING would just make any future jokes by anyone on here more hilarious, aka you should “get your army at recess ready for more”… and it (probably) won’t even be me :rofl:rofl:rofl

wanna try me? :ninja

Anybody wanna shoot off some fireworks there tonight?