so let me introduce myself my name is

Humpty… ok its really not.

im the Zodiac im 26 and i have an 04 silver STi

the end.

and my weapon of choice as 1 mod already knows is the AXE!

or a really sharp knife.

and you have a lot of porn.

welcome :slight_smile:

i know myself and ILC had a misunderstanding with the porn i posted.
the links are some that WERE previously uploaded by others most by me tho! i never said all of them (ilc incase you read this) i didn’t lie about it!

but in any event anyone is welcome to come view my hdd of porn.

and yes im from california and the state tint laws and plate laws here do not apply to me!
i get pulled over everyother day by the town of tonawanda and kenmore
and they get up to my window and they say the same thing.
them"do you know why i pulled you over"
me"i guess i was speeding but my V1 would have caught you before you caught me?"
them" your tints are illegal and you have no front plate but… different state different rules, you can go"
me" don’t you want to see my drivers license or proof of insurance?"
them" no need to"
me" ok have a good one"

i get pulled over between 330 am and 5 am usually when my tints look the darkest but in the light they are really not that bad

welcome :wave


:wave: welcome

oh hey. :wave:


:picard: hehehe, welcome!

<3 picard FTW!

speaking of picard… he is sneaking up behind you right now!

oh wait… thats just me.


cuban crisis banned again

porn and lies, per usual

:tup: :tup:

so how did this come about that this was cuban again? did i miss a good thread or were you up to IP sniffing deeds





not really

i would call it banned

welcome aboard