One more year and the STI will be in my drive way

I have been waiting, waiting. Now that i am going to be having a sun i need a 4door fam car… so i tell the wife. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THEM TO DIP BELOW 20K. so i can put 10k~12kdown and bank loan the rest ~250 a month.
i can not wait… does anyone know if the run on “the corn fuel” lol


word. sti’s are great DDs

Newman will probably sell you his at a loss so he can buy a new one… :wink:

I think you should be looking at an Evo over an STi.

You are having the largest star in our galaxy and that makes you require a 4 door car…woah


you will have the family truckster so you can go to the store and buy diapers and formula.

you got that… and what about the corn fuel… lol

yes, that will be in the driveway… i just need something that the kid could at least get in to, or does not break his neck falling out…

may be wood grain on the STI/ EVO with nake lady mud flaps?

I have a hard time believing that a used sports car is ever that good of an idea…

i am just looking for an avg. mile two/ three year old STI or EVO. I would like to think that there will be some one owner car looking to trade in for a new 08

Nice Dan! I like the queen family truckster idea. You think you hate it now, wait till you drive it!

Baby seats in small cars are a pain in the ass, regardless of the number of doors.

Either one will run on E85 with a retune and some minor mods, but we still don’t have local stations to get fuel. Somehow you having one of those cars seems like a dangerous proposition. :slight_smile:

werd. if it was here i know the saab would be on it already.

Sweet! now you can drive like a maniac in that field by the trailer you let us use. And definitely +1 for the wagon queen family truckster…in electric pea.

Just wait for the 2008 models when Suby is rumored to be bringing a diesel over…

And a 3 door hatch! But i have a feeling its gonna be even more ugly.

i have not heard that… but that thing ill be heavy

no one wants a DSM for a family car, repairs are expensive :stuck_out_tongue: