Sti vs. Evo

Hey,I’m doing a compare/ contrast essay for my writting class. I decided to pick these 2 great cars. Anyways, i was hoping people could give me a few websites that contain comparisons on these 2 cars. Also any websites that contain alot of statistical information on either of them! Also tell me which 1 you consider a better buy and why. Thank you for all the help… -steve-

any import mag from last year.

ya i was more shooting along the lines of websites that i could view from home and not have to go out and buy, considering it’s due fri, and it was assigned today…

There is this scary thing out there known as a library they have lots of things called books, and near that magazines quite a few car ones at that. Might want to check that out. :tup:

ya nobody has to comment anymore. I was just looking for some HELPFUL information! Thanks anyways and nobody else has to post…

This is what I was looking before picking which to buy…

I think Car and driver did a comparo

check on google.

Thats a good article zong, im shocked that the mr was so close in comparison.

Yeah, I just read most of it and I realized that I actually read a different Motortrend article. This one is newer. for subaru for evo
both are full of idiots but there is useful information in there if you dig for it.

There are 820831745190843109234 different opinions out there and I was doing the same research a while ago. The STi is a great, capable car and so is the Evo. Most people say the Evo is more of a driver’s car, has amazing steering response and has great handling and stability. The STi makes a bunch of power (torque-ier), has a nearly indestructible gearbox and a cushy interior. Most people recommend the STi if you are keeping it as a stock car or for a DD, and an Evo if you plan to modify it.

Owning a subaru myself, and having been in both cars, both are amazing. However, I personally would buy an Evo over an STi, based mainly on the fact it is easier (and significantly less expensive) to modify and make power out of than the Subaru.

edit: not to mention that 06 Subarus are AWFUL LOOKING :x

thanx azndc5er & jrex, they were both good sites and will def. help with my paper!

:word: teh win

check archives on…they did a few comparos :tup: good topic

i have a video of topgear when they ran both cars on their track… PM me if u want it. i got my sti because its more daily driver friendly imo. and also because i loved my old 2.5rs which ran perfect.

Just curious to see what everyone would choose between these 2 very similar cars and the reasons for choosing one over another.

Evo for Performance. Responds better to mods, mods are more affordable, 4G63.

STi for Daily Driver. More torque, but always compared as a “hammer”, steering and handling aren’t as precise, modifications don’t make as much power per mod as the Evo, mods are more expensive.

waiting for joe to chime in

drive both… both are different.

I like the looks of the sti, i was || close to getting one…


exactly what i was thinking…