So my base jumping buddy is paralyzed from a BASE accident

that occurred several years ago. He’s trying to win a contest that will allow him to go on a snowmobile adventure in Canada.

He’s totally wicked and still does tons of stuff. Right now he’s riding a hand powered “bike” 1400km across a huge portion of Canada… And it’s cold as fuck…

Anyhow, if you guys could vote for him, you would be really helping an awesome dude get a hard earned break.

You have to like the page first, but they hardly ever update and don’t spam the news feed, so it’s no big deal.

His name is Lonnie Bissonnette, you can check out his vids and some of the others’ on that page.

Thanks a lot…

Voted, thumbs up to one crazy dude

If a redditor can throw this up there I’m sure karma will smile on you… :slight_smile:

Reddit is the easiest forum to register for…

I don’t know the nuances and etiquette of the forum, though.

Me neither.
I think if you had a photo of a paralyzed atheist base jumping cat you’d be all set.

How’s he gonna stay on the snowmobile? The rest works out with the gas and brake on the handlebars.

It’s an even tailored to handicapped people. There must be special snowmobiles.

Duct tape

On a serious note :tup: to a guy that doesn’t let anything get in his way!

my uncle has the same thing and snow mobiles , its just a custom seat much like the idea of a sissy bar on a bike to keep them from sliding off the back, just with the foam and grippy material . ill vote cause guy deserves to experience this.

Hell, if we had snow I’d throw him on the bitch seat and suck his eyeballs back in his head. Hey…can a passenger get a SWI on a sled? Driver sober, passenger lit?

This made me lolz. I wish I could like this but I don’t have facebook.

So lonnie is WINNING. But not by a huge margin. Thanks to EVERYONE for the help. If a few more of you guys could vote and guarantee his win, that would be awesome… You can also VOTE AGAIN if you’ve already voted!

Here are some shots of him on his charity ride:


I think the voting ends in 1 or 2 does so he just needs to keep his lead! VOTE VOTE VOTE@!!!

voted :tup:



Voting ends at midnight (PST) tomorrow.

voted. Looks like he has a good lead.