So my sister ran away today

My sister is 15 (back off Beck) and ran away from home today. She lives with my mom in Tampa FL and was finally sick of all the shit that my mom was doing to her mentaly and physicaly. I guess last night my mom pushed her around a few to many times My sister heard “I dont want you anymore” for the last time. Around noon today, my sister told said goodbye to my other sister and left. Shes now staying at one of her friends houses while she figures out what her next move is gonna be.

I told my mom that this was going to happen but my mom thinks that she can fix all and that her parenting style of controlling everything is an acceptable one. I just wish that she would have listened to me because I have been where my sister is now, I know how I felt when I went through everything that my sis if going through. I guess my mom is just to thick headed to take anyone elses ideas and try them

I guess the law in FL says:
“anyone under the age of 18 who has not been emanicipated (and is not legally married) can be detained and either returned home or held by the court. It is also against the law for an adult other than the child’s parent or guardian to shelter a runaway for more than 24 hours without permission of the child’s parent or a law enforcement officer.”

So now Im trying to help her out as much as I can but because of this dumb law, she has to get a cops approval to stay at her friends out. I guess she called CPS to file a report becuase my mom smacked her around a lil last night but the last thing I want is for her to go into a foster home. She already has enought emotional problems. We are going to try to see if her dad can get custody( she has a diff dad then me) and then she would move back up to OP.

For those who dont know I was in this same situation a couple years ago with my dad and was lucky enough that one of my friends family took me in and helped me out. I was amazed at how many familys are messed up like this

God I hate my fuckin parents


if it takes her about 3 years to come back up to buffalo…ill help her out :stuck_out_tongue:

hope everything works out for her

Wish her luck, its tough out there on your own, esp. at her age. She needs parents.


LOL zwarbyt

man, that’s rough dude

best of luck :tup:

I can’t imagine going through something like that…i’m sorry to hear. I hope she can find good/nice people to help her out.

This shit is depressing to hear, I really hope something gets worked out because it’s just not acceptable for someone to do that. Yet it happens all the time. :frowning:

flyer her a here and take care of her.

Whats the laws in NY say?

Damn I know exactly how she feels. My mother is EXACTLY like this. Ask RedconquesTSI. I almost ended up NOT being his freind because my mother is a stubborn controlling pshyco. Now that im older and shes finaly realized that she really doensnt have anymore control over me , things have leveled out.

I Seriously cant remeber how many times I left/got thrown out. Only thing i could do though was tough it out.

Seriously man, Its tough, I know, but i can honestly say I Know i will never ever raise my kids like my mother raised me. Wish her luck.

Why don’t you take her in?

i’m really sorry man.

i can’t see him taking her in, wouldn’t that be kidnapping or something to them? then going across state borders would get the FBI involved.

That it’s kidnapping. :frowning:

:tdown: to retarted mothers

Ya because of her age, I cant take her in. If I did it would be considered kidnapping and thats deff not something I want to dance with. Her Dad lives up here so hes going to try to get custody of her so that she can legally come up here and then I would wind up taking care of her. I just dont get why my mom even wants her back in the house because she used to tell my sis all the time that she wishes she could just drop her of somewhere and be done with her. I really think my mom has un-diagnosed bi-polar(sp?) Im just trying to help my sis out as much as I can even thought im 1500 miles away. I really think that she just needs someone that she can put her heart with and make her feel like she is loved. When your own mom says I wish I could get rid of you, it really takes a toll on your self esteem and your self worth.


oh bob save her oh bob save her oh bob save her

fucked ^

There’s nothing wrong with being fucked.

same here. the ONLY reason i am still living at home is because of my father, we have a great relationship. My mother on the other hand, i havent gotten along with since i was a kid, for the same reasons. ive ran away multiple times in middle school and high school. pretty much since ive been able to drive it started smoothing out, i just dont talk to her at all anymore. It sucks, but its what it came out to be…

sorry to hear about your sister though

Well I just talked to my sisters friend, and apparently the sheriff came, picked up my sis and dropped her back off at home :tdown: Now my mom is arranging to have her sent to my moms cousins ranch for the summer. I guess he is a Srgt. in the army or something so my mom is under the impression that by shipping her to his ranch, he will straighten her out. Its just soo frustrating because my sister isnt the one that needs to be straightend out, its my mom who does. I wish I could just force my mom to go and get looked at because I really think that she has Bi- Polar. It just pisses me off that in Florida, you can get your permit when your 15 and possibly kill someone with your car but you cant leave an unstable home to help yourself. Fuckin A!!! UGHHHH I hate the legal system it fuckin sux

*Corey, I know that you were probably kidding but this isnt something that I find humerous. It really sux that I can help her out since im over 1500 miles away and I have gone through everything that she is going through right now.

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