Runaway Sister.....What Can I do??

So i found out today that my sister ran away with some guy to ohio after speaking with her she refuses to come home or tell me where she is. now she is only 16 what rights do ior my mother have to forcing her to come back…also this guy lives with his parents and they are allowing her to stay is there some type of harboring a minor law i can attempt to use to my advantage as leverage in getting her back .

I also need to know if any of the hackers on here would be able to crack her passwords to try and get information off of her computer to aid in this situation. Ive seen nyspeed in action before so hopefully someone can throw some insight my way. Any help is appreciated.


best to not get yourself involved let the authorities take care of it

honestly its his sister, there’s no way a dude can sit and watch that shit go down…

Agreed. What program do you need the password cracked for?

any i cant even get into to her account on my moms desktop to start myspace any of that bullshit to get some answers im goin to sprint in the morn to see if they can locate her by the gps on her cell phone

the actual law states a few things.
(I dealt with it helping a friend of mine out of a bad parent’s situation.
If the girl is still in school, you can make her come home.
If shes under the age of 17, you can make her come home.
At the age of 17 she can leave if she wants, the only thing she has to do is stay in contact with the parents.
If shes still in school at 17, you may be able to force her to come back.
Basically you can call the Ohio state police department and file a report, trust me they will find him and her.

fuck dan… i was counting on you to take care of this early… ugh… i guess i have to be the bad guy here…


Contact the nys troopers, they will help, however, if shes about to be 17, just leave her alone, shes only gonna leave again.

in NYS when your 16 you can leave home legally, nothing you can do, the more you try to make her come back the more she will resent you in the long run, let her figure out what she wants to do on her own
No offense but there must have been a reason she left home, this isnt a hostage situation its just known as growing up

ill bring her back if you guys stop being so mean to her

If she isn’t in danger, let it play out for a bit. Like was said, the more you try and bring her back, the more she’ll rebel.

well i beleive hes trying to get into her account on the PC in order to figure out if shes in danger

any idea what email provider she uses ? its often quite easy to get into an email account if the company has phone tech.


i would say if she wants to make big decisions like this on her own without caring, let her learn a lesson. my sister is 16 as well and has a hard head, doesnt learn anything without paying a consequence

Taking a minor across state lines without parental permission?

Gotta be able to do something about that.

ohio? ugh

Ohio is for lovers…

I’d probably have to go with let her be, if you force her home, she’ll just find a way to leave again. Sucks she left, but that just means something in the house pushed her to leave, a happy home wouldn’t have driven her away.


I just want to say that is fucked up. I would also not recommend you get anyone involved with invading her accounts or anything else illegal. Let the police deal with it

If the computer she used is not owned by her then any information or subsequent accounts created on or used on that computer are not exclusive to her only. If it is a family access computer then they can do what they can to get on without worry of legal action from a 16 year old.

Even so, if the computer was purchased by her there would still be very little chance that a judge would rule in the case of the daughter given that she is a minor and the parents have the best interest of the child in mind.

Ok, on topic. It would be helpful if you could find the town or the county where the parents live. Just calling State and telling them your problem won’t do much unless you have a location to give them. Do you have his last name? Cell number? Names of friends/acquaintances? Have you looked up her calls on her cell phone through the phone company?

Maybe you should have a friend try and contact her for you. See if the friend can feel out where she is and what she intends to do. Just make sure the friend is one that realizes she’s doing something dumb and wants to help you out instead or tip her off your trying to find her/ cme and get her.