Well I just talked to my sisters friend, and apparently the sheriff came, picked up my sis and dropped her back off at home :tdown: Now my mom is arranging to have her sent to my moms cousins ranch for the summer. I guess he is a Srgt. in the army or something so my mom is under the impression that by shipping her to his ranch, he will straighten her out. Its just soo frustrating because my sister isnt the one that needs to be straightend out, its my mom who does. I wish I could just force my mom to go and get looked at because I really think that she has Bi- Polar. It just pisses me off that in Florida, you can get your permit when your 15 and possibly kill someone with your car but you cant leave an unstable home to help yourself. Fuckin A!!! UGHHHH I hate the legal system it fuckin sux
*Corey, I know that you were probably kidding but this isnt something that I find humerous. It really sux that I can help her out since im over 1500 miles away and I have gone through everything that she is going through right now.
<------- Boarderx192 again