So some ricers faggots busted out my brothers window, and got FUCKING OWNED! **PICS*

Pics and full story on the link.

i read it, pretty nuts

nice linking to sites you need screen name and passoword

hold on… ill re-host.

did u ever here of copy and paste


hi mike

hmmmmmmmm ok

So I returned home from work tonight to see a Maryland State Police officer sitting right in front of my house with his lights on. Apparantly, 3 faggots in a riced out Civic decided to stop and bust his window out with a tire iron. My girlfriend happened to be standing right in the window when they did it. Unbeknownst to the 3 faggots, we live on a dead end road. My mom promptly blocked off the road with her truck, and when they tried to come back through they found an F150, my mom, my little brother, a baseball bat and a piece of metal pipe waiting for them. They reversed at a high rate of speed to try to find another way out. By the time they tried to come back through again, the cops were there. I guess this all transpired about 10 minutes before I got home, so whenever the cop walked away from the 3 faggots, I went over and started laughing at them. Asked them how cool they felt now, and let them know that they are in fact stupid faggots. After the cop searched them and their riced out civic, they got cuffed and stuffed. One of the 3 morons was a girl, and when they brought her back to police car # 2 out of 3, she gave me a nice stare, and of course I made a point of it to silently laugh as hard as I could at her, to which she replied " Ohhhh, thats real funny, watching a pregnant girl get arrested for something she didnt do. I wish I could have got a pic of that, but cop #1 had already yelled at me for taking pics. It would have been a perfect “My Pussy Hurts” pic. All 3 of them are now sitting in a nice warm cozy jail cell.

Did you ever hear of picture hosting?

hi bob

whats wrong with me saying “hi mike”?

he doesnt like it when I talk to other guys. It makes him jealous.

its a shame they didnt have illegal substances in the car so that would of been taken

must u tell everyone that :rant: thats it Im done with u :jerkit:

w3rd. I took a walk along the road today to see if they had pitched anything out the window. Didnt find anything though. :frowning:

and on a side note…


I just looked up the MD laws on MDOP > $500…

Misdemeanor, Max 3yrs in prison, $2500. And they have 3 counts against them. :mamoru:

I hope they have priors and get sent to pound me in the ass prison. :x:

dude get a life :love:

nice… so did they actauly steal anything?

yeah they took mikes big black dilldo

i thought that dildo is what they used to smash out the windows