So the STI's Bumper Got Burned

Well I was at Innovative for a tune and some how when it was on the dyno my rear bumper got burned from my exhaust. I told Mike about it and without any questions asked he said come down and let him check it out. So I did, I showed him and because of the exhaust I have it must have happened by mistake(my car being too low maybe). Without any more questions Mike said we can either have it re painted, or as Evolution VIII MR suggested, we could buy a carbon exhaust heat shield cover. I said to do whatever was cheaper, as my bumper could get burned and stuff. Mike right on the spot ordered the carbon heat shield. :tup: to Innovative and Mike’s customer service. He didnt have to do a damn thing, but he went above and beyond to help me. Thanks again Mike.

p.s. I will have pictures when it comes in and I install it. The pic below is what it looks like. Not sure if its the exact brand or not but it gives the basic idea.

that’s a cool accessory :tup:


Some day soon hopefully, I’ll have the cash for a pro tune…:meh:

Lowering your car does not in any way affect your exhaust - bumper distance. It’s solid (rubber hanger) fixed to the body of the car, independent of any suspension adjustments.

I don’t understand how it happened on the dyno, but never before :(, but that CF piece looks pretty good :tup:

Lowering a car does not give you a lower ride height and decreased suspension travel?

yea i thought so but it lowers the car to the ground which brings the exhaust down too. but for whatever reason it did happen. and the issue was solved with no problems at all. just brought this up to show that Mike gave me great customer service. thats it. i am sure it wont ever happen to anyone else’s car which is good as well

cool. i would try to double side tape it. it would look cleaner that way.


yea i may do that or get black rivits to hold it so they arent seen. we’ll se when it comes


maybe it was strapped down too far to where it was pushing up on the exhaust?

we thought that could’ve been the case but the way Innovative straps down subaru’s and where there toe hooks are in the rear its very unlikely

hmmm strange…

So then how the heck is this innovative’s fault?

I mean, the shield is cool, looks way better than the evo equivalent…but I think I’m missing something


Innovative is really bending over backwards in the CS dept.

steve2k1116 goes to a lot of meets and a lot of people on here know his car now…You think innovative wants anyone to hear that his car got fucked up on their dyno and that they didn’t help to fix it?

It’s good customer service, and it’s smart.

Agreed. I’m not disputing Mike’s top-notch customer service, I think it’s sweet he’s helping Steve out.

Just sayin’ if MY aftermarket exhaust burns MY bumper while its on a dyno, I wouldnt expect the shop owner to bend over backwards.

well expect that shit from Mike!

top notch guy! :tspry:


i totally understnd what your saying. but basically its not like just black or something. it burned right up and threw my bumper ruining my exhaust tip and the bumper badly. the way Mike handled it was perfect and i am very happy and surprised at what he did for me. that being said i wont bad mouth him or anything of the kind, as i am obv making a thread to show how great he handled it.

oh my god hahaha:lol:
