So we got a new puppy

Last friday we picked up a new puppy, its an english setter lab mix…

So the dog was going apeshit, so i gave her the g/f’s toy hahah




:rofl wow :crackup

Omg shes gonna be pissed at you

hahaha :lol

I dont know whether to laugh or cringe at the little cock gobbler you got there.

On a side note, never ever try the peanut butter trick with that dog.

Wow… I’m speachless… Plus shannon is there too… WOW

That dog loves the balls

dude…hope its not yours…that looks like a slip on unit that the male owner puts on over his small dick to make it bigger and more satisfying.
I’ve not seen a womans toy that soft. Plus, if it was yer girls, wouldnt it be black?

:umm :excited

Actually it kinda looks like one meant to be strapped on by the woman to fuck the man with :ohnoes

wrong just wrong…

What made you an expert on these kind of things anyway?


:rofl it does have a hole on the one end :ponder :umm


Its one of those covers that goes over the lil vibrator that goes inside of that hole…

And yes its really my dog, shes a fuckin whack job

someones real horny ::slight_smile:

:lmao :lmao

fair enough… new that limp thing could only satisfy the dog. You go boy! Just keep it out of your ass.


Yeah dude, im sure I can bring her to the next party to play with yours after you get nut tapped :lmao

Just dont let the dog in the bathroom while you’re taking a piss… That might be dangerous!