So what age did you...

hm, last year, and still plan too untill i have children

the last time i went i ended up driving from house to house in a hold cart, cutting across all the lawns and doing hairy doughnuts and burnouts every chance i got. unfortunately somebody musta called the cops because they showed up and i got a police escort all the way home on the cart through my whole neighborhood with all the kids still out to see my wonderful example lol

i like where your head’s at. I’m in. Haven’t gone in years but you guys are making me feel it would be ok to go again lol.

fuck that I still go…free candy FTMFW lol.

j/k. I got a 14 yr old sister so I raid her stash. I don’t really eat much candy though…never have. I get too hyper and it makes me sick lol.

and she probably has a dog too right?


last time i went was 4 years ago.

Sometime in highschool when we figured out it was more fun to drink…